Christopher Czuppon Featured in Exclusive Online Interview

Christopher Czuppon, Dallas, TX, USA
Christopher Czuppon, a highly accomplished Senior Software Engineer from Dallas, Texas, has been featured in an exclusive online interview where he shares his insights on software engineering, problem-solving, and the importance of continuous learning.

Christopher Czuppon, a highly accomplished Senior Software Engineer from Dallas, Texas, has been featured in an exclusive online interview where he shares his insights on software engineering, problem-solving, and the importance of continuous learning. In the interview, Christopher delves into his approach to tackling complex coding issues, balancing industry trends with project demands, and the critical role of mentorship in team success.

With over a decade of experience in software development, Christopher is known for his leadership and technical expertise. During the interview, he offers a unique perspective on how creativity and technical problem-solving are deeply intertwined. He also shares his thoughts on the future of software engineering, emphasizing the growing synergy between artificial intelligence and human innovation.

In addition to his professional achievements, Christopher discusses the importance of stepping away from work to recharge his creativity, whether through hiking, playing guitar, or engaging in other outdoor activities. He reflects on the value of learning from failure, the impact of effective communication, and his dedication to building scalable, maintainable code for long-term success.

About Christopher Czuppon:

Christopher Czuppon is a Senior Software Engineer with more than ten years of experience in software development and a strong foundation in computer science. He has played a key role in designing and implementing innovative software solutions, mentoring junior engineers, and contributing to the tech community through hackathons and volunteer work. His expertise spans various programming languages and frameworks, and he is committed to delivering high-quality, scalable code while fostering the growth of the teams he leads.

To read the full interview, click here.

Media Contact
Contact Person: Christopher Czuppon
Email: Send Email
City: Dallas
State: TX
Country: United States

BE-Friend Yourself: Breaking Free of Diet Culture

The following is an excerpt from the new book, BE-Friend Yourself… Finding Freedom with Food and Peace with your Body. The author, Marla Mervis-Hartmann, is also the creator of Love Your Body, Love Yourself. She guides women toward embracing self acceptance.

Marla Mervis-Hartmann, Author of BE-Friend Yourself…

Finding Freedom with Food and Peace with your Body

On a scale of one to ten, one being Absolutely not, and ten being Hell yes, tell me, how much do you love your body? Vulnerably speaking, I have lived most of my life in the lower digits: the twos and threes. Although my God-given body was strong, fit, and healthy, I spent decades lamenting that it was not perfect. Those years of grief catapulted me into a toxic relationship with my appearance that resulted in decades of compulsive eating, restricting, bingeing, purging, and dieting.

Some people are surprised to hear this. “Really, you?” they’ll ask. “But you always seem so confident; I had no idea you were struggling with body and food challenges too!”

Yes. Me.

My journey through self-acceptance has been the most plaguing and rewarding lesson of my life. Because I have existed within the same fifteen-pound range, it’s been easy to hide my struggles with the scale and obsession about my body.

Like most women, my grievances with my weight were seeded at a young age. I grew up as one of those curvy little girls that people would make comments about — words that later influenced me to believe I needed to look a certain way.

In my teenage years, I played sports, which put a great deal of demand on my body. Then, I was an actor and a dancer, so once again . . . different expectations, but more physical demands. Although, I, for the most part, had body confidence in my high school years, these consistent messages and experiences regarding my appearance left me confused and vulnerable to a disordered relationship with food and my body.

Marla Mervis-Hartmann delivering her TEDx Talk

The Secret Ingredient to Feeling Good in your Body (Click to View)

So, by college, the cocktail of unrealistic body standards and societal pressure around dieting thrust me into a sea of toxic beliefs, negative self-talk, and destructive behaviors around my weight. Diet culture is so invasive and rooted into the fabric of our existence that it is rarely visible until you step back to take a thoughtful look at it.

So, what is diet culture?

Christy Harrison, MPH, RD, author of The Anti-Diet, defines “diet culture” as: “a belief system that worships thinness and equates it to health and moral virtue, promotes weight loss and maintaining a low weight as a way to elevate social status, and demonizes certain foods and eating styles while elevating others.”

According to Harrison, diet culture also “oppresses people who don’t match up with its supposed picture of ‘health,’ which disproportionately harms women, femmes, trans folks, people in larger bodies, people of color, and people with disabilities.”

My tools to deal with these pressures, in addition to the traumas and emotions of life were adversely handled by dieting and eating. I will go into these stories with open honesty in this book. I created this book to share my experience so that you don’t have to suffer so long and hard.

The trouble with diet culture is that only about 5 percent of women can actually live up to that standard of beauty, and the rest of us are left to feel bad about ourselves. Furthermore, I didn’t realize how deeply anchored the fear of being “fat” is woven into the fabric of our culture. Its roots primarily stem from racism and religious pressures for pious eating.

Harrison covers this as well in her book: “As important as evolutionary theory was when it came to explaining how we all came to be on this planet, it was also used in overtly racist ways, to justify the white Anglo-European male domination of other cultures and genders that had been going on for centuries. Evolutionary theory became a ‘scientific’ way of upholding the status quo. White, Northern European women were deemed to be a step down from men on the evolutionary ladder, followed by Southern Europeans (again with the women a step down from the men), then people of color from countries that early biologists and anthropologists considered ‘semicivilized’ or ‘barbaric,’ and finally, at the bottom, Native Americans and Africans, whom they considered ‘savages.'”

Therein, the positive body image, anti-diet, and fat liberation movements are fighting back against deep systemic racism and privilege. Finally, women are standing up and saying No more. No more ancestral trauma. No more generational oppression. We will evolve past our grandmothers and mothers through the radical embrace of our bodies. We will be unapologetic about eating delicious food that nourishes our body — knowing we are doing something revolutionary.

It is my intention with this book to help people feel better in their own skin, to make peace with food, and to have a thriving life. As a thin, white, privileged, cisgender woman, I will do my best to make this message serve you, the reader. I don’t pretend to understand the sufferings of transgender, binary, and other marginalized cultures. But I do hope you feel my highest desire to support those loving themselves deeper. Throughout this book, I address my readers as “women.” I mean any sister who identifies as a woman: cis women, trans women, women who have yet to reveal their internal gender to the external world. I also invite non-binary and male readers into the fold. After all, fatphobia, diet culture, and systemic body shaming impacts everyone in deeply personal ways. I pray that you feel welcome here and supported by my journey.

BE-Friend Yourself… Now available on

From an early age, I didn’t know why it was so hard to like my body. I wasn’t aware that loving and caring for myself was an act of power that challenges a damaging societal view to girls and women. When we take back our power around our weight and bodies—when we heal—we become activists in the fight against diet culture and its toxic origins. Every time we acknowledge our worth has nothing to do with our appearance, we revolt against deep systemic beliefs that tell us being a certain size matters.

The benefit of our culture growing into new knowledge is being able to articulate these issues with new terms. My disordered eating likely would have gone undefined prior to the 1990s. I took my inability to be perfect to the extreme to something we now call exercise bulimia. While bulimia is a bingeing and purging cycle, exercise bulimia is working out until complete exhaustion if you eat . . . anything. My logic was: what goes in must be burnt off. I was obsessed with food, diet, and exhausting myself.

From the outside, it appeared as though I loved to be fit; that I loved going to the gym and eating healthy. In reality, my mental health was in the toilet. All of my motivation came from feelings of disgust about myself, the belief that my body was not good enough. I believed the lie diet culture was teaching me: I cannot be happy unless . . .

Unless I’m the perfect weight.

Unless I’m the ideal size.

Unless I burn a certain number of calories.

I had support. I had a privileged life with an amazing family. I was loved, popular, and mostly liked myself, but at times—peace wasn’t present. I might have one good week, become stressed by something, then spiral into being unkind to myself. There were certainly days I felt stunning, scxy, and in shape—but if I had a second cookie, my feelings would instantly shift. Having an erratic relationship with my appearance set the stage for keeping a tight grip on my food intake and giving airtime to an inner critic who loved to tell me all the ways I fell short.

Back then, there wasn’t a popularized term for this pattern of behavior. Today, I would most likely have been identified as an orthorexic: a person who is preoccupied with healthy rituals to an unhealthy measure. Researchers now see this with women who become overly concerned with nutrients, ingredients, and chemicals—taking their tunnel vision about calories, carbs, and fats too far. The condition is a complete addiction to finding the healthiest way to do everything—from eating, to grooming, to self-care. In reality, it creates a lot of mental noise that serves no one.

This thinking robbed me of years of satisfaction and joy. I missed out on so much, including learning how to celebrate my womanhood and femininity. It resulted in an inability to really enjoy my relationship with food, scx, and myself.

Through years of misery that landed me at my own dark night of the soul, I decided it was time for a change, and took a vested interest in the way I spoke to myself. This is when I adopted the concept of Be-Friending myself—which ultimately broke the seal of wild possibility in every area of my life.

Once I could show up and give myself what I deserved, there was no room any longer to settle for anything below my worth. I’d ask myself, “Marla—would you speak to a friend the way you’re speaking to yourself right now?”

If the answer was no, I’d use my tools ( that you will learn in this book) to make myself feel better.

It wasn’t easy, and it took a while to get used to my own inner dialogue changes, but over time I learned to enjoy being nice to myself.

Soon, I began exploring new ways to celebrate my life. I started practicing movement, energy work, creative self-expression, and healing from the inside out. Eventually, I was able to divorce myself from societal concepts that were not serving me—things like toxic diet culture, shame around my scxuality, the no pain, no gain: American mentality, and the notion that I didn’t deserve nourishment or rest unless I checked all the boxes.

Where I was once overly concerned and regimented, I now respect my attempt to show up for myself as a practice. I’m evolving. It doesn’t always come naturally. I still have to work at it, but this process has been integral to my establishing a sense of peace.

By stepping into my enoughness, and deciding against all odds I am going to partner with myself, I became my own best friend.

Throughout that time, this is what I realized:

A good friend listens. So, I learned to listen to my body, be more attentive to its cues, defend its boundaries, and grant its request for nourishment, food, water, movement, and pleasure.

A good friend is there for you.

A good friend doesn’t even have to say anything. In fact, she senses your need for silence, and she’s good with that. She wants to be there for you. Because she loves you.

A good friend prioritizes your comfort.

A good friend is respectful of boundaries around your time, space, and energy.

A good friend forgives. Can we forgive ourselves?

A good friend accepts our greatness and our flaws.

A good friend speaks the truth in love, kindness, and compassion.

I knew, more than anything, I wanted to love myself like that. I wanted to embrace all the things that made me Marla, and all the things I’d not yet explored about my femininity. I wanted to speak kindly to myself, to accept my greatness and my flaws, to unapologetically prioritize my needs, and above all—to heal through radical self-forgiveness while giving my own heart and mind the benefit of the doubt. Through this new sense of liberation and profound self-compassion, I also realized—I wanted to teach what I was coming to understand. I wanted to help other women learn to embrace the nourishment of food and the joy of celebrating their bodies.

I remember sitting on the floor in my friend’s bedroom in Kauai. I was nine months pregnant with my son, sharing the beauty and labors of womanhood with someone safe, who wholeheartedly understood. There, I was struck with: This is your purpose, Marla. Take all of your fears, wisdom, struggles, and triumphs and share them with others.

Finally. My pain had a silver lining. Finally. I felt like I could let go of restriction, and encourage others to do the same.

I’d already been very committed to sharing what I knew about women’s health. But at that moment, I knew my purpose was to combine my knowledge as a Reiki master, tantra teacher, yogi, and somatic trauma specialist to help people heal their relationship with food and their bodies.

Now my life’s work is encouraging women to quiet the militant inner critic that lives inside their heads. My body still gets covered in goosebumps when my clients and friends choose freedom over restriction. As I sat there, beaming with my happy, pregnant belly I heard the words, love your body, love yourself. I knew then that would be my business and my mission. I was pregnant with Aspen, and the seed of a second growing, vibrant, perseverant dream.

I don’t know about you, but I think women are pretty phenomenal. And when I say “women,” I mean this for every person who considers themselves a member of the sisterhood. We all bear our unique scars when it comes to femininity; which is why I’m dedicated to working with women of every shape, size, color, and background. There’s one thing in particular about women that I believe makes them amazing: they are healers.

Women are empathetic.






And beyond that—they love and partner with intention. If something’s broken, they want to talk about it, learn from it, and heal it. A woman’s resiliency is usually her strongest attribute. It didn’t take long in this work to realize I had everything I needed to heal myself already wrapped up in my own femininity.

It all began with going inward: tuning in, turning on, and listening . . . first to the cues of my body, then to my intuition, childhood wounds, quieted dreams, bold inspirations, and the sound of my own vibrant heart. There are so many layers of ourselves to celebrate if we will just take the time to listen.

The more we hear our inner truths, the more we create synergy within our body. As we step into flow, we position ourselves to expand—to experience pleasure, to have fun, and to thrive in our fullest potential.

And so, I invite you to be honest with yourself. On a scale of one to ten, how much do you love yourself?

Maybe right now, you are at a one or a two when it comes to loving your body. You know what? That’s okay! Take a moment to live in your authentic experience. But by the end of our work together, my hope is that you will be able to enjoy the glorious sensation of basking in your own magnificence. It may seem counterintuitive at first—after years of being hard on myself, it took time to establish a sense of safety and trust. But that’s why I’m here: to remind you of your own brilliance when you aren’t quite sure of it yet, and to support you on your journey to becoming your own best friend.

About Marla Mervis-Hartmann

Marla Mervis-Hartmann is a dedicated life coach, author, and speaker known for her work in women’s health, freedom with food and body positivity. She is the creator of the initiative “Love Your Body Love Yourself,” which aims to empower women to embrace their bodies and cultivate self-love.

Having struggled with her own body image and food challenges, Marla transformed her experiences into a career focused on helping others. She is the author of BE-Friend Yourself: Freedom with Food & Peace with Your Body which reflects her journey toward self-acceptance and healing.

“Marla is a certified practitioner in Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy with specialized training in women’s scxual wellness and is a Reiki Master. At Ai Pono Eating Disorder Recovery Center, she leads Body-Love Reiki Circles, offering a unique blend of healing and body positivity. Featured at TEDx Salinas, Marla’s work continues to impact women’s wellness and holistic healing.”




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Available for Media Interviews.

Contact: Jo Allison

Phone: 917-207-1039



Or, Contact Marla Mervis-Hartmann directly.


Phone: 310-926-9163

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Company Name: Media Ambassadors
Contact Person: Jo Allison
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Country: United States

“Natural Insurrection: The Predatory Legacy of Man” Unveils Humanity’s Dark Evolutionary Journey in Bold New Book

"Natural Insurrection: The Predatory Legacy of Man" Unveils Humanity's Dark Evolutionary Journey in Bold New Book
Delving deep into the shadows of our evolutionary past, author Wilfred Nieman’s revolutionary new work, “Natural Insurrection: The Predatory Legacy of Man,” offers a startling reexamination of humanity’s journey from herbivorous primates to apex predators.

“Natural Insurrection” takes readers to the Cradle of Humankind, where the first sparks of human evolution ignited. Written on location, overlooking the hills and valleys that cradled our ancestors, the manuscript uncovers the brutal truths of predatory delinquency, the unsettling phenomenon of early humans preying upon their own kind. In this meticulously researched narrative, Nieman suggests that cannibalism, far from being a mere aberration, was a practice that spanned hundreds of thousands of years, leaving a deep imprint on the course of human development.

This investigation doesn’t stop at ancient dietary practices. “Natural Insurrection” probes deeper, examining how humanity’s transition from tree-dwelling primates to bipedal predators shaped both our physical and mental evolution. Bipedalism, manual dexterity, and our expanding cognitive abilities, Nieman argues, are the hallmarks of a species honed by the rigors of predation. The remains of butchered Homo, spanning over a million years, offer chilling testimony to this relentless process.

Nieman’s work has already drawn praise from leading experts in the field. Professor Phillip Tobias remarked, “I am delighted that you are pursuing the matter.” Dr. Lyall Watson lauded Nieman’s fresh perspective, stating, “The image of ‘potential predators sharpening their teeth within their own ecological niche’ is fresh and vivid, and I like your argument.”

Literary Titan has also hailed the book for its thought-provoking approach, stating, “Nieman’s work combines historical, anthropological, and philosophical perspectives to offer a thorough and critical look at what defines humanity.” The review praised Nieman for his ability to blend complex scientific analysis with a bold philosophical stance.

For readers passionate about anthropology, evolutionary biology, or the philosophical implications of human evolution, Natural Insurrection offers an unmatched exploration. Dive into this thought-provoking journey through our predatory past, now available on Amazon. Don’t miss this captivating exploration of our species’ legacy!

About the Book

This book, once hidden in a dusty cabinet for over a decade, has finally emerged to confront readers with the stark realities of our predatory legacy.

Though ambitious in scope, the book remains grounded. Nieman balances scholarly detail with an approachable style, encouraging readers to question long-held beliefs about humanity’s place in the natural world. The book boldly asserts that human cognitive growth and technological advancements have not only separated us from other species but have placed us at odds with the natural order itself. Natural Insurrection raises unsettling questions: Has humanity deviated from its natural evolutionary path? Have our instincts driven us to disrupt the world in ways that go beyond mere survival?

Those willing to engage with its sweeping ideas will find it a rewarding journey into the heart of human evolution. Natural Insurrection invites readers to confront uncomfortable truths, reconsider humanity’s role on this planet, and reflect on the heavy responsibilities that accompany our dominance over nature.

About the Author

Wilfred Nieman, a retired businessman turned dedicated researcher, brings his unique perspective and years of meticulous study to this groundbreaking work. Nestled in his home office, surrounded by volumes of research, he has crafted a book that is both daring and insightful. With Natural Insurrection, Nieman cements his place as a powerful voice in the ongoing conversation about what it truly means to be human.

Media Contact
Company Name: Literary Titan
Contact Person: Wilfred Nieman
Email: Send Email
Country: South Africa

Premium Embossed Adawall Wallpaper for Residential and Commercial Projects in Houston

Houston, Texas, USA – September 18, 2024 – A leader in high-quality wallcoverings, Adawall Wallpaper Store, is pleased to announce the availability of its exquisite embossed luxury wallpaper, which is priced at a mere $1.40 per square foot. This commercial-grade wallpaper, which is non-woven and embossed, is the ideal choice for both residential and commercial spaces due to its combination of durability and sophistication.

Why Choose Adawall’s Embossed Wallpaper?

1. Premium Quality: Our embossed wallpaper features a luxurious texture and elegant design that enhances the visual appeal of any interior. The non-woven backing ensures ease of installation and durability, standing up to the demands of high-traffic areas.

2. Versatile Applications: Ideal for a variety of commercial environments including hotels, restaurants, offices, and educational institutions. The high-grade materials and finishes ensure a long-lasting and upscale look, tailored to meet the aesthetic and functional needs of diverse projects.

3. Customization Options: Adawall offers a range of designs and textures to suit specific project requirements. Our in-house design team is available to provide tailored solutions and recommendations, helping to bring your vision to life.

Visit Our Store

Adawall extends an invitation to local interior designers, architects, and commercial developers to peruse our extensive collection, which is conveniently situated in Sugar Land. Our showroom offers a wide range of wallpaper, wall panels, and murals that are tailored to meet the diverse design preferences and project requirements of our clients.

Professional Installation Services

To complement our premium wallpaper offerings, Adawall provides expert installation services. Our skilled installers ensure a flawless application, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your project with peace of mind.

Collaborative Opportunities

Adawall has established strong relationships with Houston’s leading interior designers and architects. We are committed to supporting their creative efforts with high-quality wallcoverings and reliable service. For references and examples of our work, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Get in Touch

Do not hesitate to contact us for consultations, project ideas, or to discuss your wallpaper and mural requirements.

Omar Kilinc

Managing Director

Adawall Wallcoverings & More

Office: (832) 944-7878


Address: 9722 Hwy 90A, Suite 103, Sugar Land, TX 77478

Additional Insights for Commercial Developers:

• Cost Efficiency: With our competitive pricing and long-lasting materials, Adawall’s wallpaper offers excellent value, reducing the need for frequent replacements and maintenance.

• Design Flexibility: Our wide range of designs ensures that you can find a perfect match for any style or theme, enhancing the overall ambiance of your commercial space.

• Sustainability: We are committed to environmentally friendly practices and offer options that align with green building standards.

Visit Adawall today to discover how our luxurious wallpaper solutions can elevate your next commercial project.

Media Contact
Company Name: Adawall Wallpaper And More
Contact Person: Media Relations
Email: Send Email
Phone: (832) 944-7878
Country: United States

New Book by Industry Expert Alex Boussetta Offers Insight into Navigating Challenges in Small & Midsize Businesses

Toronto, Canada – September 18, 2024 – Alex Boussetta, a renowned industry leader and founder of Abacus Team Inc., is excited to announce the release of his latest book, “Achieving Excellence: SMB Practices in Turbulent Times.” This comprehensive guide is crafted to help small and midsize business leaders navigate today’s complex business environment, aligning their operational strategies with sustainable success and excellence.

About the Book

Alex Boussetta, with over three decades of elite operational experience, gives readers a roadmap to achieve excellence by providing insightful and practical chapters that will leave them both enlightened and motivated. The book delves into the unique challenges faced by small and midsize businesses in today’s world of fast paced technological advancement, changing customer and employee expectations, and shifting market dynamics. Boussetta brings together his considerable expertise in global matrix structures management and strategic responsibilities with an intense knowledge of Lean Six Sigma, Agile Project Management, and operational excellence to provide a robust framework for success for the readers.

“Achieving Excellence: SMB Practices in Turbulent Times” is an extensive, eclectic mixture of subjects pertinent to those interested in excelling in the SMB environment. From topics on understanding the need for engaging and motivating new generations to explaining intricacies in the digital age, Boussetta provides valued insight into actionable and transformative thinking. The book shows how small businesses, with their flexibility, innovation, and value-for-the-customer focus, are very capable of competing with big corporations.

About the Author

Alex Boussetta is a seasoned expert in operational excellence and innovation, with over 30 years of experience. He is a Certified Master Black Belt, holds a Master’s in Engineering Project Management and certifications in fields such as Mergers and Acquisitions, Innovation and Artificial Intelligence. His career includes key roles in aerospace, manufacturing, healthcare, and government, where he has consistently driven organizational improvements.

As the founder of Abacus Team Inc., Alex has provided consulting services to enhance quality and operational efficiency for both startups and established companies. He is also a resolute educator, having trained thousands of professionals in Lean Six Sigma and other management methodologies. His commitment to excellence is recognized through awards from General Electric, Blackberry and McGill University, marking him as a respected thought leader in his field.

For more information about “Achieving Excellence: SMB Practices in Turbulent Times” or to schedule an interview with Alex Boussetta, please contact him at

Book Link:

Media Contact
Company Name: Abacus Team Inc.
Contact Person: Vic Virtuale
Email: Send Email
Country: Canada

Flipping the Script on LBPs: Creative Biolabs Delivers Game-Changing Analytical Services

The regulatory landscape for live biotherapeutic products (LBPs) continues to evolve, sparking the need for standardized testing, formulation, and rigorous quality control. Creative Biolabs stands as a critical partner in the LBP sector, offering one-stop solutions to help scientists and pharmaceutical companies overcome the challenges of developing these next-gen therapies.

New York, USA – September 18, 2024 – A scientist at Creative Biolabs explains, “These live microorganisms, including bacteria and fungi, offer exciting new approaches to treat various diseases, from gastrointestinal issues like inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) to more complex conditions such as diabetes, depression, and even certain cancers. Recent industry news highlights how LBPs, such as probiotics, are breaking new ground, especially with two LBPs recently receiving U.S. FDA approval—a monumental step forward. However, challenges in standardization, dosing, and safety still exist, pushing the need for specialized services that can handle the complexity of these products.”

With expertise ranging from microbial isolation to potency and stability tests, Creative Biolabs’ Analytical Development and Qualification Services for LBPs ensure that every product is optimized for clinical success.

Advanced Microbial Isolation and Screening

One of the key elements in the development of LBPs is identifying and isolating the right strains of microorganisms. Creative Biolabs manages advanced techniques that focus on screening microorganisms based on functionality, including antimicrobial activity and immune modulation, ensuring only the most promising candidates move forward in the development pipeline.

“The importance of this service is highlighted by available studies showing that certain microbial strains play crucial roles in modulating the gut microbiota and immune response.” The scientist elaborated.

Potency Testing: Ensuring Efficacy

The next big hurdle after isolation in LBP development is confirming that the microorganisms are not just surviving but thriving in their intended therapeutic roles. That is where Creative Biolabs’ potency test services come into play to provide detailed insights into the effectiveness of live microorganisms, ensuring that live microorganisms maintain their desired functional properties throughout the production process and after formulation.

Stability Testing: Maintaining Viability

Once the potency is confirmed, ensuring the stability of these microorganisms during storage and transportation is critical. Creative Biolabs tackles the issue head-on with stability testing approaches that assess the stability of live biotherapeutic products under various conditions.

“Industry reports on supply chain challenges in LBP delivery highlighted the need for better stability testing, as improper storage can drastically reduce the efficacy of live biotherapeutics. We employ advanced methodologies to guarantee that LBPs remain viable and effective, giving pharmaceutical companies confidence in the shelf-life and functionality of their products.” The scientist added.

Monitoring Microbial Contaminants: Keeping Clean

“Contamination, one of the primary risks in LBP manufacturing, can compromise both the safety and effectiveness of the product,” the scientist added, “and thus we’ve established a microbial contaminant monitoring pipeline to ensure that every step of the LBP development process is free from harmful contaminants.”

With new regulatory guidelines and heightened interest in live biotherapeutics, companies are under increasing pressure to meet rigorous standards. Creative Biolabs is not only prepared to meet these challenges but is also setting the bar for excellence in the field. Visit to learn more.


Creative Biolabs is leading the charge in developing analytical services that meet the unique challenges of LBPs. Their broad range of offerings, from microbial isolation and potency testing to stability and contaminant monitoring, equips pharmaceutical and biotech companies with the tools they need to bring safe, effective LBPs to market. In 2024, Creative Biolabs’ team of dedicated scientists will attend several key industry exhibitions to share the latest advancements in biotech, including:

* September 25th, NIH Research Festival

* October 22nd, BioPharma Drug Discovery Nexus Conference

* November 4th, Annual World ADC San Diego

* December 15th, Antibody Engineering & Therapeutics (US) 2024

Media Contact
Company Name: Creative Biolabs
Contact Person: Candy Swift
Email: Send Email
Phone: 1-631-830-6441
Country: United States

Emanuel Rose’s Podcast “Marketing In The Age Of AI” Celebrates 50th Episode Milestone With Guest Dave Gulas

Emanuel Rose’s Podcast "Marketing In The Age Of AI" Celebrates 50th Episode Milestone With Guest Dave Gulas

“Reaching this milestone and having Dave Gulas join us for this important episode is a great opportunity to discuss the role of AI in transforming marketing and logistics strategies,” said Emanuel Rose.
On September 11, 2024, the “Marketing in the Age of AI” podcast will mark its 50th episode, hosted by marketing strategist and author Emanuel Rose. Featuring guest Dave Gulas, President & Co-Founder of EZDC 3PL, this milestone episode will explore how AI is revolutionizing e-commerce logistics and marketing, with a focus on automation, efficiency, and customer experience.

Emanuel Rose’s Podcast “Marketing in the Age of AI” Celebrates 50th Episode Milestone with Guest Dave Gulas, Reno, Nevada On September 11, 2024, the “Marketing in the Age of AI” podcast, hosted by renowned marketing strategist and author Emanuel Rose, will celebrate its 50th episode. After numerous insightful discussions about the impact of AI on marketing, this milestone episode will now feature Dave Gulas, President & Co-Founder of EZDC 3PL and host of the “Beyond Fulfillment” podcast.

Dave Gulas brings a unique perspective from the e-commerce logistics industry, helping brands scale through fulfillment, warehousing, and transportation solutions. In this special episode, Emanuel and Dave will explore how AI is reshaping e-commerce and fulfillment, with a focus on automation, efficiency, and meeting consumer demand in a rapidly evolving marketplace.

Topics will include the impact of AI on streamlining fulfillment processes, enhancing customer experiences, and automating repetitive tasks to ensure businesses stay competitive. “Reaching this milestone and having Dave Gulas join us for this important episode is a great opportunity to discuss the role of AI in transforming marketing and logistics strategies.” said Emanuel Rose.

About Dave Gulas

Dave Gulasis is the President & Co-Founder of EZDC 3PL, where he helps e-commerce brands streamline their logistics and scale effectively. He is also the host of the “Beyond Fulfillment” podcast, which shares the stories of entrepreneurs and the logistics challenges they overcome. With nearly two decades of experience in RX and medical wholesale distribution, Dave Gulas now focuses on helping e-commerce brands scale at EZDC 3PL. His company specializes in offering timely and accurate order fulfillment, providing personalized service with fast response times, and offering competitive rates with additional savings on technology and shipping costs. Dave is committed to helping businesses streamline their logistics and enhance operational efficiency.

About Marketing in the Age of AI Podcast:

Hosted by Emanuel Rose, “Marketing in the Age of AI” delves into the intersection of artificial intelligence and modern marketing strategies. With each episode, Emanuel invites leading experts, innovators, and marketers to discuss how AI influences every aspect of the marketing ecosystem from automation and personalization to data analytics and consumer behavior. Since its inception, the podcast has provided marketers with insights and practical strategies to thrive in an increasingly AI-driven world.

About Emanuel Rose, Emanuel Rose is a veteran marketing expert with over two decades of experience and is the author of the acclaimed AI marketing book, Authentic Marketing in the Age of AI. His work focuses on helping businesses navigate the changing marketing landscape by adopting AI-driven tools and methodologies. Emanuel’s podcast has become a must-list for marketers seeking to stay ahead of the curve, offering expert interviews and actionable advice that align with real-world marketing challenges.

Event Details:

Episode: 50th Episode of Marketing in the Age of AI Recording

Date: September 11, 2024 10am PT

Guest: Dave Gulas, President & Co-Founder, EZDC 3PL.

Host: Emanuel Rose, CEO, Strategic eMarketing.

Where to Listen: YouTube, Apple, Spotify, Amazon

Media Contact
Company Name: Strategic eMarketing
Contact Person: Emanuel Rose
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New Book Sheds Light on UK’s Challenges with Extremism and National Security

New Book Sheds Light on UK's Challenges with Extremism and National Security

Dr. Saul Zadka, a respected journalist and academic, presents a compelling and thought-provoking analysis in his latest book, The British Suicide: The UK’s Struggle to Counter Extremism. This book offers a deep dive into the ongoing challenges Britain faces in addressing the rise of Jihadism over the past two decades. Through meticulously researched facts, Dr. Zadka explores how extremist ideologies have gained a foothold in the UK, with alarming insights into the nation’s security vulnerabilities. He reveals, for instance, how Osama Bin Laden nearly chose London as his base instead of Afghanistan, and how one of the masterminds behind the 9/11 attacks was granted asylum by the Home Office. The British Suicide is an eye-opening examination of how extremist elements have infiltrated British society and the struggle of authorities to effectively counter these threats. Dr. Zadka’s book is a crucial contribution to the discourse on national security, offering readers a detailed account of the complex and often unsettling realities facing the UK today.

Dr. Saul Zadka, a respected journalist and academic, has released a compelling new book titled The British Suicide, offering an in-depth analysis of the UK’s ongoing struggle to address extremist threats over the past two decades. With a focus on the rise of Jihadism in Britain, Dr. Zadka explores the nation’s security challenges, governmental oversights, and the implications of these issues for the future.

In his meticulously researched work, Dr. Zadka unveils startling revelations, such as the near-settlement of Osama Bin Laden in London and the asylum granted by the Home Office to one of the masterminds behind the 9/11 attacks. The book also details how domestic security agencies have inadvertently allowed extremist ideologies to take root, raising serious questions about national security policies.

Dr. Zadka’s book is more than a historical account; it is a call to action for policymakers, security agencies, and the public. The author highlights the need for urgent reforms to counteract the influence of extremist ideologies and prevent further radicalization within the UK. He underscores the importance of transparent governance and the protection of democratic values.

The British Suicide delves into the controversial topic of Sharia law in the UK, examining its growing influence and the challenges it poses to the nation’s legal and cultural frameworks. Dr. Zadka presents a sobering analysis of how extremist rhetoric has fueled violence and undermined societal cohesion.


The UK has faced significant security challenges in recent decades, marked by the rise of home-grown extremism and the persistent threat of terrorist attacks. In The British Suicide, Dr. Saul Zadka provides a comprehensive overview of these issues, drawing on a wealth of evidence to highlight the failures and shortcomings of successive governments in addressing these threats. The book offers readers a candid exploration of the complexities surrounding extremism in Britain and the urgent need for decisive action to safeguard the nation’s future.

Dr. Zadka emphasizes the importance of free speech and informed public discourse, advocating for greater awareness of the threats posed by extremism. The British Suicide is a crucial read for anyone concerned with the state of national security and the future of democracy in the UK.

Independently published, The British Suicide – The UK’s self-inflicted failure to defeat jihad for two decades, is available to purchase in paperback (ISBN No: 979-8321139417) priced £8.00 and Kindle format (£5.00) on Amazon at and

About the author:

Dr Saul Zadka is a London-based journalist and academic.

Media Contact: Dr. Saul Zadka, Email:

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Palm Beach’s Mia Martin Celebrates the Landmark Sale of a Neo-Classical Edwardian Mansion to the Embassy of Estonia

Palm Beach’s Mia Martin Celebrates the Landmark Sale of a Neo-Classical Edwardian Mansion to the Embassy of Estonia

Mia Martin Palm Beach
Mia Martin Palm Beach grew up in Virginia’s Hunt country. After graduating from Foxcroft School in Middleburg, Virginia, she became a Trustee of Foxcroft and then co-chair of its Centennial celebration. She pursued an arts education at institutions in the United States, England, Italy and Switzerland and after working at Sotheby’s in London, she received her fine arts degree from American University.

Mia Martin Palm Beach

Palm Beach, FL – Mia Martin Palm Beach, an esteemed author and prominent Palm Beach resident, proudly announces the successful sale of her iconic 1905 Neo-Classical Edwardian mansion on Embassy Row, Washington, D.C., to the Embassy of Estonia. Renowned for her literary works and deep commitment to preserving architectural heritage, Martin adds another significant transaction to her impressive portfolio, further cementing her influence in historic preservation.

With a passion for European architecture and decorative arts, Mia Martin Palm Beach has meticulously restored several period homes, particularly those reflecting Regency and Edwardian styles. This latest sale complements her previous accomplishments, including the sale of a historic Virginia farmhouse and a Regency-style estate in Palm Beach.

Martin’s love for art and architecture was fostered during her childhood in Virginia’s historic hunt country, where she grew up on a grand estate. Her formal education includes Foxcroft School, the Corcoran School of Art, and prestigious institutions in Europe, such as Franklin College in Lugano, John Cabot University in Rome, and Sotheby’s in London. She later earned her fine arts degree from American University in Washington, D.C. Her commitment to cultural heritage has been recognized through her active role in the National Trust for Historic Preservation and her trusteeship at Oatlands Plantation.

In addition to her architectural endeavors, Martin has been a driving force in numerous organizations dedicated to preserving America’s historical legacy. She has served on the Council of the National Trust for Historic Preservation, co-chaired the “Restore America Gala” at the Library of Congress, and lent her expertise to the United States Commission for America’s Heritage Abroad.

A passionate genealogist, Martin has also held leadership roles in several genealogical societies. She has served as Recording Secretary for the Colonial Dames XVI Century, chaired its heraldry committee, and is a member of the DAR, Pilgrim Society, and the Society of Mayflower Descendants in Virginia. Martin is also the author of Dog Heraldry: The Official Collection of Canine Coat of Arms, published by Simon & Schuster and launched at the Westminster Kennel Club.

Looking forward, Mia Martin Palm Beach remains committed to historic preservation and restoration, with a mission to match significant estates with new caretakers who share her vision for preserving architectural and cultural heritage.

About Mia Martin, Palm Beach

Mia Martin, a native of Virginia’s Hunt Country and a resident of Palm Beach, is a celebrated author and historic preservationist. She is a graduate of Foxcroft School and has co-chaired its Centennial celebration. Martin pursued her education in the arts both in the United States and Europe, culminating in a fine arts degree from American University in Washington, D.C.

Check out more images of Mia Martin Palm Beach here. 

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Company Name: Mia Martin Palm Beach
Contact Person: Mia Martin
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City: Palm Beach
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Unveil the Enchanting World of Animal Allegory with “Pa Toroki: The Heavenly Banquet” by Dr. med. Emmanuel Anyangwe Ngassa

Unveil the Enchanting World of Animal Allegory with "Pa Toroki: The Heavenly Banquet" by Dr. med. Emmanuel Anyangwe Ngassa

Have you ever witnessed how skillfully these contemporary authors have learned the art of blending allegory within the pages of a fictional book with other themes? In a masterful blend of fiction, fantasy, adventure, and allegory, Dr. med. Emmanuel Anyangwe Ngassa presents his latest literary marvel, “Pa Toroki: The Heavenly Banquet.” This enchanting book invites readers of all ages to explore a vibrant animal kingdom where the dynamics of information dissemination, the intricacies of trust and deception, and the balance between community and competition are vividly brought to life.

In this story, birds, insects, tortoises, and other animals navigate their relationships and challenges in fascinating ways. The central character, Pa Toroki, is a clever and strategic tortoise whose journey to a heavenly banquet reveals much about the power of knowledge, the fragility of trust, the dual nature of community and competition, and the instincts needed for survival.

Surely, reading this book readers will get to know how different animal species share information and emphasizes the critical role of timely and accurate communication followed within their kingdom. Birds, with their swift ability to relay news and secrets, play a crucial role in this dynamic. The themes of trust and mistrust are explored through the interactions between birds, insects, and tortoises, showing the complexities and consequences of deception.

Additionally, the author of this book, “Pa Toroki: The Heavenly Banquet“ has explored community and competition among animal groups. While the animals cooperate to attend the heavenly banquet, their underlying rivalries and power struggles are clearly depicted, mirroring the complexities of human society. The survival strategies of the animals, particularly Pa Toroki’s cunning tactics, highlight the importance of adaptability and strategic thinking.

Dr. med. Emmanuel Anyangwe Ngassa is a talented storyteller known for his ability to weave complex themes into engaging narratives. His latest book has been praised for its imaginative storytelling, rich character development, and insightful allegorical themes.

About the Author

Dr. med. Emmanuel Anyangwe Ngassa is a gifted storyteller with a deep appreciation for the allegorical potential of animal tales. His ability to weave complex themes into engaging narratives has earned him acclaim among readers and critics alike. In “Pa Toroki: The Heavenly Banquet,” Ngassa continues to demonstrate his talent for creating rich, immersive worlds that resonate with timeless lessons and profound insights.

Book Name: Pa Toroki: The Heavenly Banquet

Author Name: Emmanuel Anyangwe Ngassa

ISBN Number: 1917281471

Kindle Version: Click Here

Paperback Version: Click Here

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