An Angelic Folly, a poignant and imaginative new novel, offers a heartfelt journey into the complexities of fatherhood, the end of life, and the metaphysical realm. Written by Peter Prizel the book tells the story of Jacob Monger, a social worker navigating the emotional tides of a recent divorce, parenthood, and the challenges of his work in a hospice.
Jacob, still reeling from the pain of his divorce, is determined to make his first overnight visit with his two young daughters a success. However, his professional responsibilities pull him into the life of Tony, a Vietnam veteran and hospice patient with an affinity for Mozart’s Requiem and a desire to reconcile with his estranged children before his impending death. Jacob’s attempts to help Tony find peace are made increasingly complicated by the unexpected arrival of a celestial visitor—Archangel Gabriel.
Gabriel, who is at odds with his Father, finds himself punished and confined to Ezekiel’s magical, heavenly chariot. His punishment? He must keep the chariot running by replacing its tires with the souls of errant fathers. Gabriel’s interference creates an otherworldly tension as Jacob grapples with his responsibilities to Tony, his daughters, and his own understanding of fatherhood. As Jacob strives to help Tony through his final days, he is confronted by Gabriel, who forces him to confront deep truths about parenthood, forgiveness, and mortality.
Through his battles with Gabriel, Jacob gains invaluable insight into what it means to be a father, lessons that strengthen his bond with his daughters. Alongside this emotional journey, An Angelic Folly delves into the origins of Mozart’s Requiem, intertwining the music’s dramatic history with Jacob’s contemplations about life, death, and the legacies we leave behind.
With elements of magical realism, the novel weaves together themes of redemption, spirituality, and human connection. An Angelic Folly invites readers to consider the delicate balances of life and death, and how love and forgiveness shape our most meaningful relationships.
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