New Jersey DUI Attorney Rachel Kugel Clarifies Legal Rights on Portable Breath Screening Tests in New Article

New Jersey DUI Attorney Rachel Kugel Clarifies Legal Rights on Portable Breath Screening Tests in New Article

New Jersey DUI attorney Rachel Kugel (, of The Kugel Law Firm, recently shared crucial insights regarding the legal rights of individuals in New Jersey when confronted with the decision to take a portable breath screening test (PBT). As DUI cases continue to present significant legal challenges across the state, Rachel Kugel’s guidance offers valuable information for those who find themselves in difficult situations when stopped by law enforcement.

For anyone facing a potential DUI charge, understanding their rights can make a significant difference in the legal process. New Jersey DUI attorney Rachel Kugel emphasizes the importance of knowing what a PBT entails and how it differs from other tests administered by law enforcement. Rachel Kugel, a New Jersey DUI attorney, outlines that a portable breath screening test, typically used during roadside stops, is a tool law enforcement officers employ to quickly gauge whether a person has consumed alcohol. However, this test is not as reliable as more formal breath or blood tests, and results from a PBT are generally not admissible in court.

Kugel highlights that New Jersey drivers might not be aware of their right to refuse a portable breath test. However, the New Jersey DUI attorney explains that this refusal comes with significant legal implications, including how it might influence an officer’s decision to proceed with an arrest. Rachel Kugel states, “While a PBT is not mandatory in New Jersey and you do have the right to refuse, doing so could lead to further suspicion from law enforcement, potentially resulting in arrest and other more invasive tests being administered.”

The article stresses that while refusing a PBT does not carry the same penalties as refusing a formal breathalyzer test at a police station, it can still lead to complications. Kugel advises anyone stopped by law enforcement in a suspected DUI situation to remain calm, be respectful, and understand that every action taken during these moments can have consequences down the road.

Rachel Kugel, a seasoned New Jersey DUI attorney, also addresses a common misconception regarding the PBT. Many drivers believe that declining the PBT will prevent law enforcement from gathering evidence against them, but Kugel points out that this isn’t necessarily the case. While the results of a portable test are not admissible in court, law enforcement can still use other observations, such as field sobriety tests, to build a case. According to Rachel Kugel, “Refusing a PBT might avoid one form of evidence, but it won’t prevent the officer from relying on other factors to justify an arrest.”

Furthermore, Kugel emphasizes the key difference between the PBT and more formal tests administered later. Once a driver is taken into custody, refusing to take a breathalyzer or blood test at the police station can result in automatic license suspension and other legal penalties. In contrast, refusing the roadside PBT alone does not carry these consequences but may still prompt the officer to proceed with a DUI investigation.

As a New Jersey DUI attorney with extensive experience handling these types of cases, Rachel Kugel suggests that drivers should be aware of how law enforcement conducts DUI stops and the tools at their disposal. The article encourages individuals to seek legal counsel if they find themselves facing DUI charges, as navigating the complex DUI laws in New Jersey requires in-depth legal knowledge and strategic decision-making. Kugel’s detailed explanation of the differences between roadside tests and more formal tests highlights the need for individuals to be well-informed about their rights and the potential outcomes of their choices.

Rachel Kugel’s continued efforts to clarify complex legal situations demonstrate a dedication to educating the public on DUI matters. The article serves as a vital resource for anyone in New Jersey who may be unsure of their rights or the legal consequences of refusing a portable breath screening test. As Kugel notes, “The decisions you make during a DUI stop can affect the entire outcome of your case. Understanding your rights is the first step to protecting yourself.”

Those facing DUI charges in New Jersey are encouraged to consult with an attorney such as Rachel Kugel, who is committed to defending clients’ rights and providing clear, actionable advice. With years of experience and a deep understanding of New Jersey DUI laws, Rachel Kugel can be a trusted advocate for individuals navigating the legal system.

About The Kugel Law Firm:

The Kugel Law Firm, led by New Jersey DUI attorney Rachel Kugel, is dedicated to providing personalized legal defense for individuals facing DUI charges. With a focus on protecting clients’ rights and ensuring fair treatment, the firm can be a reliable advocate in the New Jersey legal community. Rachel Kugel and the team can offer experienced legal counsel, helping clients navigate DUI law and achieve the best possible outcomes in their cases.


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