Feb 26, 2024 – “Honor Makes Gray Hairs,” a captivating biographical novel by Steven E. Murdock, delves into the life and times of John Rush, son of American founding father Dr. Benjamin Rush, offering profound insights into mental health, family dynamics, and the evolution of psychiatric care in America.
Set against the backdrop of early 19th-century America, the book chronicles the life of John Rush, whose struggles with mental health issues, including a fatal duel and subsequent admission to a psychiatric ward, provide an invaluable perspective on the challenges faced by individuals and families dealing with severe and persistent mental illness (SPMI).
Drawing from historical accounts and meticulous research, Murdock paints a vivid portrait of John Rush’s experiences, offering readers a deeper understanding of the complexities of mental health care in America’s formative years. Through John’s story, readers gain insight into the evolving attitudes towards mental illness, as well as the societal pressures and familial dynamics that shaped his life.
“Honor Makes Gray Hairs” is not only a compelling narrative of one man’s journey but also a reflection on broader themes of American history, psychology, and the intricacies of family relationships. It is a must-read for anyone interested in delving into the untold stories of America’s founding figures and exploring the human side of history.
With its rich historical detail and poignant storytelling, “Honor Makes Gray Hairs” promises to captivate readers from all walks of life. Whether you’re a history enthusiast, a psychology buff, or simply someone interested in a gripping tale of resilience and redemption, this book is sure to leave a lasting impression.
About the Author
Steve Murdock lives with his wife Digna in Mission, Kansas, where he serves as a therapist in a community mental health center. Steve and his wife are members of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in Overland Park, Kansas, and consider their relationship with Christ the most important aspect of their lives. Steve has a Master of Arts in Counseling and a Master of Divinity from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He also attained a Bachelor of Arts in Communications from Ouachita Baptist University, where he studied English under renowned Christian author Dr. Gilbert Morris. Steve has had several articles published in Christian publications and has served as a Baptist missionary in Peru. His interests are psychology, philosophy, history, religion, civics, current events, and enjoying an ice-cold root beer float on a summer afternoon.
Book Name: Honor Makes Gray Hairs
Author Name: Steve E Murdock
ISBN Number: B0C92VGJL8
Ebook Version: Click Here
Paperback Version: Click Here
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