Major Pest Control in Edmonton Releases New Guideline To Help People Get Rid of Mice Permanently From Their Homes

Major Pest Control in Edmonton has put together an easy-to-follow guideline to eliminate mouse infestations – permanently. It combines practical advice, scientific knowledge, and ethical considerations, ensuring that anyone can tackle this significant household problem.

The guide outline:

–  Understanding mouse behavior
–  Strategies to prevent a mouse infestation
–  Identifying a mouse infestation
–  Mouse removal techniques
–  Ethical considerations
–  Long term measures
–  When to seek professional help

“Mouse infestations can feel hopeless”, says Jun Bukht, associate entomologist with Major Pest Control, “but knowing the signs of a mouse infestation and how to prevent them can make a huge difference. I want to educate as many people as possible.”

Understanding the Mice Problem

Mice infest homes to find food, warmth, and shelter. During warmer months, mice are contented living outside, but once cool weather arrives, they start looking for places to spend winter. Once inside, they cause a range of issues, like contaminating food supplies and damaging electrical wiring. Health risks are significant, as mice can spread diseases like salmonella and hantavirus, even cause bacterial food poisoning if their droppings contaminate the food supply. 

Prevention Strategies

Prevention is key. Outside, focus on sealing entry points, like cracks in walls, gaps around doors, windows, and openings around pipes. Steel wool and caulking is effective for sealing smaller gaps. Since mice can squeeze in spaces as small as a quarter of an inch, patch any holes that size or larger. Eliminate yard clutter, properly dispose of garbage, trim bushes and trees. This makes yards unattractive to mice, who are looking for covert access to homes.

Inside, proper food storage is crucial. Store food in airtight containers – ideally made from metal or glass and avoid leaving pet food out overnight. Clean dirty dishes daily and wipe up spills immediately. Regularly dispose of garbage and declutter inside to remove potential nesting sites. Placing linens in plastic bins with lids helps prevent easy access to nesting materials.

Identification of Infestation Signs

Early detection can prevent a full-blown infestation. Signs to watch for include:

–  Droppings (small, dark, oblong pellets) are often found close to their food supply, like kitchen cabinets and pantries.

–  Gnaw marks on furniture, baseboards, or food containers. Mice need to constantly wear down their continually growing incisors and will easily chew open food containers to gain access to their food supply.

–  Sounds of rustling or scratching, especially at night as mice are nocturnal. Listen for sounds between walls and in ceilings, as mice move about these areas.

–  Unusual pet behavior such as pawing at low-clearance furniture like under stoves and refrigerators, often indicating the presence of mice.

–  Nests made up of materials like shredded paper or fabric. People may notice linens, rugs and curtains with holes chewed in them as the mice make their nests.

–  Seeing mice is the best indication of an infestation. If there’s one, there’s usually more.

–  Regular inspections from a professional pest control company, especially in basements and attics will help detect an infestation.

Humane and Effective Removal Techniques

When it comes to removal, humane traps are preferred. These traps capture mice without harming them, allowing for release at a considerable distance. The next best choice are snap traps that are inexpensive, and fast, to minimize suffering. Avoid inhumane methods like glue traps or poisons, which cause unnecessary suffering and could pose risks to children and pets. 

Ethical Considerations

Ethical treatment of animals should remain a priority, even in pest control. Inhumane practices cause unnecessary suffering. To discuss the best humane methods of mouse removal, call professional pest control companies.

Long-Term Control Measures

Continue to maintain a clean, clutter-free environment outside the home for long-term control. Put away equipment like lawn mowers and bicycles promptly. Dispose of garbage in sealed bins that get emptied regularly. Trim bushes, hedges, and trees, and keep lawns mowed. Regularly repair damaged vents and replace weather stripping to help prevent future infestations.

Regular cleaning and decluttering indoors reduces nesting opportunities, including dishes, spills and prompt removal of garbage from the home.

Professional Assistance

At times, help from professional pest control companies are necessary, such as severe infestations. Professionals have access to more effective tools, the expertise to find and seal overlooked entry points, and provide a customized approach to difficult situations.

For more information on mouse control and prevention, review Major Pest Control Edmonton’s online guide These resources provide deeper insights into effective rodent control practices. For further inquiries and expert advice, contact Jun Bukht with Major Pest Control Edmonton.

Media Contact
Company Name: Major Pest Control Edmonton
Contact Person: Jun Bukht
Email: Send Email
Phone: 780-906-0911
Address:10205 111 St NW
City: Edmonton
State: Alberta T5K 2V6
Country: Canada