World-Class Business Change-Makers Share How To Successfully Overcome Challenges in Business.

Overcoming Challenges And Bravery In Business With World-Class Business Change Makers.

Incorporating bravery in business can be a valuable asset in overcoming challenges. Bravery, in this context, refers to having the courage to take risks, face uncertainty, and step outside the familiarity of a comfort zone.

Bravery encourages business leaders to embrace innovative ideas and approaches, allows them to challenge the status quo and take calculated risks, gives them a competitive advantage, and adapt to changing circumstances more effectively.

In 2023, many have faced unique challenges within the business world and need newfound solutions. While these occasional roadblocks do not discriminate, even industry leaders have experienced considerable obstacles in business, including CEO and Founder of TMSP Agency, Mark Stephen Pooler. To give hope and inspiration to those looking to make positive changes for a brighter future, Mark has sought out some of the world’s finest business change-makers who share their stories of using bravery as the ultimate guide.

Global sensation Dame Marie Diamond, best-selling author, motivational speaker, and executive producer of several self-help TV shows and podcasts, shares her most challenging business venture – collaborating with 48 authors on the Global Conscious Entrepreneur book, with a promise of best-seller status in a four-month timeframe. Staying true to her intuition, taking action, and acknowledging that self-belief triumphs over fear allowed Marie to accomplish her goals and led to a number-one rating on Amazon in eight countries.

Dr. Corey Hicks, CEO and Founder of Three V’s Corp, author, and former All-American Decathlon athlete turned biotech Regional Medical Director, views challenges as opportunities that help necessary growth. Dr. Hicks recommends avoiding outside distractions and remaining in a circle of trusted individuals who provide honest and genuine feedback.

President of Hasmark Publishing International, Judy O’Biern, has spent the last 15 years helping thousands of authors become best-sellers, often involving coaching her clients on adapting within an ever-changing market. Two words have allowed Judy to help entrepreneurial authors incorporate bravery into beginning a successful journey – ‘Just Start.’

A stage-4 cancer diagnosis as a mom of three small children, near bankruptcy, and a new business did not stop Barbara Vercruysse, Founder of BV Empowerment & Kindness Institute, from making her dreams a reality. Her fundamental principle for maintaining forward momentum is to seek the silver lining and embrace the power of admitting and learning from mistakes. 

Overcoming the fear of rejection is very real for many people, and it was Dawn Bates’ worst enemy post-divorce consuming her in life and business. By taking the necessary time away to return to who she was and what she stood for and, most importantly, face her fears, Dawn, author, coach, publisher, and keynote speaker today, lives her life with positive social change and human rights as her beacons of light.

Desiree Anderson, Founder of Crest Coaching & HR, began her business right before the pandemic and during the worldwide lockdown, where she created a program for remote leaders. To Desiree, being brave in her business translated to pushing past uncertainties to reveal her true self, resulting in radio show appearances, published articles, and international best-selling author status.

As a former Dutch Marine and Topsport Coach, world sailing champion, and the Elite Performance Academy Founder, Stephan Dekker is well-attuned to performance-oriented environments. Like many, Stephan dealt with significant business challenges when 80% of his scheduled business was canceled within a year due to the pandemic. To continue serving his purpose of guiding others to fulfill their purpose, he modified his mindset to embrace the situation positively and bravely changed course. 

Recognized as one of the most prominent voices for mental health advocacy, Dr. Rhonda M. Wood, CEO of RMW Global Enterprises, juggled a demanding job where she was overworked and undervalued while raising a teenager. While transitioning from a corporate career with benefits to entrepreneurship, Rhonda chose faith over fear and near breakdown to break through as she identified that the fear of failure was, in fact, the biggest hurdle she would have to jump. 

Lalitha Donatella Riback is the author of Bliss Lab and an expert in Vedic sciences and spiritual growth. Lalitha views spiritual growth, a healthy mindset strengthened through meditation, and the courage to actually start as essential to running a business. 

Co-Founder of, Sue Bayley, aka The Autistic Advocate, enables individuals to become heroes amidst life challenges. Sue advises those looking to harness their inner lioness to say yes to the stretch of new opportunities and leaps of faith and explore what lies outside of comfort zones.

Anoush Khaze is a ‘Bounce-Back’ coach, speaker, and author who was heavily impacted by the tragedies of 9/11. With a newfound realization that life is a gift, Anoush traded a secure high-paying career for entrepreneurship and adopted a life-changing mantra: ‘Bravery and courage are not the absence of fear but doing what is believed to be right, despite the fear.’ 

Ready-to-Launch mentor Stephanie Thompson is a multi-award-winning international business empowerment coach and best-selling author of Plan and Launch your coaching business in 12 steps. For Stephanie, the lesson of knowledge providing power has been a guiding force. Her top tip is to establish a compelling vision and a plan and develop the right attitude that supports the plan.

For Joseph Stetter, corporate culturist and resume whisperer, overcoming business challenges came at a hefty cost, yet a lesson that taught him to rise above the ashes. Joseph advises others looking to flourish in 2023 to relish the power of reinvention.

Don’t avoid challenges – they are the most significant teachers, gifts, and lessons and can lay a solid foundation for success later in life. This mantra is the advice from Neringa Petrulyte, mentor and elite leader of Global Beauty Brand.

Ty Moore, brand marketer, healthcare business development consultant, and inspiring public relations specialist, experienced numerous adversities in a dead-end job and longed to transition to his dream job. Going back to the basics – the fundamental principles – and seeking additional training or knowledgeable industry professionals is what Ty shares with others who face roadblocks. 

CEO of Co-Author Network, LLC, and Guinness World Record breaker Emilio Roman has taken risks to succeed. His expert advice is cultivating resilience and bravery by embracing a growth mindset and creating a supportive environment where failure is deemed a learning opportunity. 

Pivoting in business is often considered daunting. Digital media strategist Lorita Marie Kimble decided to view this challenge differently. To succeed, Lorita invested time and resources in learning valuable new skills and techniques to execute a formidable transition, propelling her to become an industry stand-out while continuing to serve her clients.

Although there is still a long way to go, incorporating bravery in business is about embracing the mindset of calculated risk-taking, resilience, and adaptability. By nurturing this attribute, leaders can create an organization better equipped to face challenges, seize opportunities, and drive long-term success. Now is the time to overcome all odds and move toward a bright new future.


Mark Stephen Pooler is the Founder, Editor in Chief, Media & News Publisher of MSP News Global. Mark oversees the company’s media business and its intersection with global business leaders. Before forming MSP News Global in 2020, Mark spent his time as a Professional Speaker, International Bestselling Author, Radio Host, and PR & Media Specialist. Mark is also the Founder of TMSP Agency, a Premium Media and PR Agency. He helps high-profile entrepreneurs share their stories globally through PR and digital media. When not working with his valued clients, Mark enjoys spending time with Lilly, his four-legged bestie.

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