Michael K. Reed, founder of Shades of Greatness and accomplished Fortune 500 businessman, has announced the release of his inspirational book, Success is a Mindset, not a Thought. He hopes that his work will empower others to be brave, bold, and confident in their own abilities.
Success is a Mindset, not a Thought blends anecdotes from Reed’s past with down-to-earth recommendations for navigating volatile life circumstances. From completing a four-year business degree in three years to interning with the nation’s largest defense contractor, Reed’s methods for achieving highly have already been tested and proven to be sound. Each story and piece of advice adheres to the central theme of embracing one’s potential, a concept that now serves as the slogan (“In my Mind, In My Reach”) of Reed’s company.
In a time of upheaval in the traditional working world, Success is a Mindset, not a Thought is the perfect call to action for adult readers seeking guidance and motivation. Unlike other titles in the self-help and inspirational genres, Success is a Mindset, not a Thought feels less like a lecture and more like an uplifting conversation with a friend.
Reed’s voice is accessible to a wide audience, and his experiences are extremely relatable. The pressure of choosing a college and managing resources as a young person is daunting. Success is a Mindset, not a Thought shows how it’s possible to unravel these challenges without losing sight of key end goals.
More importantly, Success is a Mindset, not a Thought is not a fully standalone project. Instead, it’s an introduction to both Reed and his company, Shades of Greatness. This ensures that readers who connect to the book will continue to have support as they venture forward to discover their strongest, most resilient selves.
Success is a Mindset, not a Thought is available for purchase on Amazon.com.
Michael K. Reed is the founder of Shades of Greatness, LLC and the author of Success is a Mindset, not a Thought. Reed graduated from Xavier University of Louisiana at the top of his class, and only took three years to do so. He also helped to create community-centered programs for diverse consumer groups at companies such as HP, Target, and Lockheed Martin – just to name a few.
Connect with him online at ShadesofGreatnessLLC.com, on Instagram at @MichaelKReed23, on Twitter or LinkedIn.
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