Exclusive Interview with King Mamay Abdurajak: The Raja of Maharlika & Southeast Asia Speaks on Leadership, Legacy, and the Future

Had not the Moors been defeated by the Spaniards in 1492, the Spaniards could not have come in 1521 and conquered the Mahárliká (Philippines). Or had the Spanish conquistadors delayed their arrival on the archipelago’s shores for just half a century, there would be no such thing as the ‘Only Christian country’ in Asia.” — Jubair

King Mamay Abdurajak, The Raja of Maharlika and Southeast Asia

Q: Can you briefly describe your lineage, how you were given your crown as a King, and how you got to where you are today? Feel free to include as little or as much detail as possible so our readers can understand your story.

A: My name is Raja Mohammad Ghamar Mamay Hasan Abdurajak, the descendant of Prophet Muhammad. Others call me King Mamay for short. I am the direct Grandson of the Sultans. ‘Raja’ is a term that refers to ‘King.’ The “Sultans” hold the Power, Authority, and Sovereignty of a Nation or Nations. The kingship was passed down to their heirs, and I am the direct heir of the Sultans – given the power, authority, and sovereignty at this juncture, which is needed to provide guidance to protect my people. 

“Through Arab influence, the “Government of Sultanate” was created in South East Asia and was established in Lupah Sug Empire of Maharlika (Philippines). It is through the Arab influence that the ‘Government of the Sultanate’ was created. The ‘Maguindanao Sultanate’ and ‘Buayan Sultanate’ were established,” — from the book Maharlika In Search of Identity by Deo Palma (coming soon).

Both the lineage of JAMALUL ALAM & JAMALUL KIRAM are the lineage that governed the Entire Southeast Asia since the 11th Century. This ‘TRAVEL IN TIME’ is guarded and protected by Ama Ali Datu Ismael Moon Ali Sultan Toron Lawan Dumaga Sultan Esmail E. Kiram, who carried the DNA of Raja Sulayman – from ALAM & KIRAM, a 121 years living witness from Taif Saudi Arabia, a direct bloodline of Prophet Muhammad. Ama Ali (for short) is the Spiritual Godfather of my wife, Queen Helen Abdurajak. He has a twin sister from the moon holding the highest rank of spirit: Sultana Mariam is the Princess & the Sultana of Basilan, and Maria Makiling, the Goddess of the Mountains and protector of nature, whose cousins are Putri Pindalidayan and Datu Magayawa (embodied as Angel Gabriel), the ultimate warrior of the Royal Empire of Lupah Sug in Maharlika.

Ama Ali Datu Ismael Moon Ali Sultan Toron Lawan Dumaga Sultan Esmail E. Kiram, the “Guardian of the Sultanate”

Here’s Our Royal Family Facts:

– Sultan Jamalul Alam known as Sultan Ahjan in Sulu, Sultan Azam in Sulu, and Sultan Pulalon – also called Raja Anang Hji Hasan Pasang, akaTuan Muda Gulam Hasan.

Raja Anang’s wife was the Sister of King Fahd of Saudi Arabia, known as Dayangku Nenneh Mohammad Fahd Saudia Binti King Saud of Saudi Arabia.

Jamalul Alam signed the ‘DEED OF 1878’ with Baron Overbeck and Alfred Dent at Licup Adam Indanan Sulu.

– Sultan Jamalul Kiram in holy QURAN means ‘QUR AN NUR KARIM’ – the one who authored the Quran (the Blood that never dies that protects the Holy Book of Islam). In Sulu he is called white Raja Sultan Mohammad Kamaluddin, in Indonesia he is called Black Raja Sultan Mohammad Kamaruddin, in Brunei and North Borneo he is called the Red Raja. Raja Husin Kamaluddin, aka Sultan Omar Ali Sayfuddin #1 of Brunei Darussalam. Sultan Omar Ali Sayfuddin created Brunei as the Protector of the Royal Kingdom of Lupah Sug Empire. Still, he was abused and controlled by Fidel V. Ramos and the Vatican, together with the Politicians who mixed marriages with the Blood of Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah and Sultan Al Sufri, who “Disappeared in Singapore in 1945.” Singapura (previous name of Singapore) is owned by the Sultan of Johore, Sultan of Sulu, & North Borneo, then “Reappeared in HAGUE Netherlands in 1946″ to establish the UNITED NATIONS (UN) and INTERNATIONAL COURT of JUSTICE (ICJ) with 54 Nations. The Commonwealth Nations created the Federation of Malaysia in 1957- called the “MAPHILINDO” countries (Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia). To ASEAN countries and The SOUTHEAST ASIAN countries, HE is TUNKU ABDUL RAHMAN PUTRA AL-HAJ, meaning: “We are the Spirit that goes beyond time to govern our people until we reach back to DIVINE GOVERNANCE.”

– Husin Kamaluddin, aka Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj, is the First King and Last King of Southeast Asia who crowned Raja Mamay at the age of 6 in Parang Sulu Sulare Island (Philippines) and assigned the two direct bloodlines, Raja Mamay to Brunei to safeguard the Power of Sulu & North Borneo – The Uncle of Raja Mamay is Sultan Jamalul Kiram II known as Sahibul Ray Permancha in Brunei and Sultan Sahibol Gary Abdurajak in Maimbung Sulu, the Father of Raja Saleha (woman was also called Raja referring to Royal feminine as well), the first wife of Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah and Dayang Anak Damit – the Mother of Sultan Alsufri and the husband is Omar Ali Saifuddin III.

– Dr. Abdulghapar Abdurajak, father of King Mamay Abdurajak, passed away, leaving King Mamay to transition the power into the next cycle.

– King Mamay Abdurajak, the current holder of the Sultanate Royal Lineage and direct heir to the Sultans has been granted full power, authority, and sovereignty to guide and protect the people alongside his beloved Queen, Helen Abdurajak.

The United Nations Sovereign Royalty has officially recognized King Mamay and Queen Helen as the rightful leaders of the Lupah Sug Empire. As the ultimate recoveree, I own all the empire’s heritage assets.

In the Law of Succession by Heritage, The Beneficiary of Kiram’s Assets in Raja Mohammad Ghamar Mamay Hasan Abdurajak Shareif Al Sultan Ghamar Bin Abdul Ghapar Jamalul Kiram III and the Heir of the Lineage of the Lemurian and Galactic Realm is my beloved, Queen Maria Makiling Helen Fatima Nasaria Panolino Abdurajak Ju Xi Mulan Bin Baginda Ali Elizabeth III, crowned as Queen of Global Earth and the Queen of Universum Magnum–the heir aligned and confirmed with the Court of Heavens and Lemuria.

Therefore, as the Royal Couple, we worked side by side in creating peace and prosperity in the GOLDEN AGE with the DIVINE PROGRAM for Peace, Defense, Economic Development, Health Care, Learning Programs, Renewable Energy, and by “Recovering Assets” to bring justice on Earth, so we can establish and bring forward the NEW EARTH, as we work with the 8 Earth Elementals – from soil, fire, water, ether, mountains, rivers and the enchanted realm, where the original paradise of Lemuria’s Heaven on Earth can be reestablished on surface land, from 3D to 5D realm towards ascension.

Past Glimpse into Maharlika within the Islamic Culture

The “Sultanate Government” in Mahárliká

“There emerges a belief, a time when Manila stood under the resplendent banner of Muslim governance, the ‘Sultanate.’ Picture it: the bustling wealth, the vibrant trade routes tracing the Pasig River’s meandering path, and the territories stretching around Bai Lake and Batangas. These were the arteries of commerce, the lifeblood of an era, connecting these shores to distant Mindanao and Borneo. The Muslims, the reigning elite of Luzon, were more than mere rulers; they built empires, wealthy merchants, cultural trailblazers, and impassioned missionaries who took great insights into the natural riches of our ancestral lands.

Venture beyond the heart of Metro Manila, once known as ‘Selurong,’ and a breathtaking revelation unfolds. In Laguna, Batangas, Pampanga, Cagayan, Mindoro, Palawan, Catanduanes, Bonbon, Cebu, Oton, and countless other districts, the faithful, known as Mohammedans, had made their mark. They journeyed from far-off Borneo, bearing not just a new religion but a way of life: the sacred verses of the Quran, the forsaking of pork, and the adoption of Muslim names—all these became the guiding pathway for the native inhabitants of the past before Spain sets its foot on Mahárliká.

Manila, the beating heart of today’s metropolis, was once transformed into the epicenter of Islamic power under the watchful gaze of Raja’ Sulayman Mahmud and his sage-like uncle, Raja’ Matanda. Manila thrived as more than just a trading hub. It was a fortress—a formidable ‘cotta’ at the river’s mouth, standing as a bastion against any who dared threaten the realm of Islam.” — from the book Maharlika In Search of Identity by Deo Palma (coming soon).

Q: This is quite an unheard history of the Philippines. It’s fascinating! I’d like to hear more about your manifestations of the New Earth. Please expand by sharing more about your Queen and her dynamic role in your Kingdom?

Queen Helen Abdurajak of Maharlika (known as Philippines)

A: Queen Helen Abdurajak is my beloved wife. She’s quite an extraordinary feminine leader! A devotee of the Divine, she is the chosen Sovereign Queen of the Royal Imperial Lupah Sug Islamic United Kingdom of Sulu and North Borneo. Our harmonious vision and mission make us a futuristic couple dedicated to our Spiritual Cosmic calling in life with a universal outlook to embrace humanity, with no distinctions regarding race, color, or religion. 

My Queen Helen was born in Maharlika (known as the Philippines); her full name represents the important personalities embodied in her being. Therefore, it’s lengthy. Her full name is Queen Maria Makiling Helen Fatima Nasaria Panolino Abdurajak Ju Xi Mulan Bin Baginda Ali Elizabeth III is her sacred name that reflects her connection to the Divine and as a feminine leader conduit. Her sovereign role as a leader and her spiritual standing within her heritage is connected to the enchanted realm that stems from her Lemurian ancestry, making her intuitive, psychic, and deeply woven to the unseen. Her undivided dedication to serving humanity is ingrained in her desire to find balance within our imbalanced world where the marginalized, poor, and abused parts of society have been left behind. Her highest purpose is aligned with my desire “to shift our reality towards a better world.” Our utmost priority is to break Earth’s glass ceiling of limitations and darkness. It’s a time of purification; others may call it the time of ‘Cleansing Mother Earth!’

Queen Helen is my unstoppable partner. She works very hard (day and night). Her unwavering dedication to moving forward in her mission with me and in reestablishing our Divine governance to transform the 3D realm into an abundant, healthy, and happy society is important. It takes a lot of one-pointed focus, diligence, consistency, and intelligence which comes naturally to her. This is certainly not an easy task. We need the cooperation of many to secure our vision and mission to manifest the highest good for all.

Q: From what I heard you say, you, King Mamay, and Queen Helen are the dynamic leaders of the Divine. Could you share your futuristic goals and vision? Queen Helen Abdurajak & King Mamay Abdurajak 

Queen Helen Abdurajak & King Mamay Abdurajak

A: Our vision is to bring long-lasting peace to a turmoil-filled world. It’s important to us, and our highest mission is Peace. There’s an inner knowing that a cycle of change is needed in a world where too much pain and suffering exist. This can no longer be tolerated. It takes courage and a strong belief in justice from higher realms to establish long-lasting peace on Earth. Ultimately, the Creator of All There Is is in charge. Allah, as we call him – God or the Prime Source maker of this Universe and multi-verse, we sometimes call it the ‘force field of energy’ that embodies many extraordinary divine names who have come in human form throughout history to claim back our Divine inheritance – peace, happiness, and abundance. Human willpower drives change and embodies the shift needed to create newness for humanity. The old corrupt ways must go. Yet, the goodness of the ancient ways is very much our guiding forceAs. A King with my Queen of equal footing – we are moving together in harmony to manifest a futuristic vision that includes safety and defense to protect the people, provide economic development with alternative means, and provide practical healthcare and education. Rewriting history is a part of this education and using media to change the mindset and consciousness of people to elevate humanity and to use the plentiful natural resources of Maharlika, such as Deuterium, a renewable energy for a cleaner world. (Deuterium is the highest quality gas for rockets and aircraft). We want harmony and balance in a progressive society using the highest quality of non-pollutant energy.

The past President Ferdinand Marcos Sr. of Maharlika declared, ” That all things will be smoothly recovered once the United Nations recognizes the Grandson of Malaysia.” This proclamation is now in effect. I am the Grandson of Malaysia, here now, recognized by the transformed United Nations of the LupahSug Empire. 

Queen Helen Abdurajak & King Mamay Abdurajak


As a Royal couple, myself and my Queen express our unconditional love for the Creator through serving humanity with a vision of uplifting humankind from darkness to light, and through legitimate ways of handling this transition. A transformed UN is now relocated in Maharlika and is working tirelessly to move us to the next level–Sovereign Governance. We are moving huge blockages on the path to clear the way towards a Divine Governance. Those who desire to move forward with me and recognize me as the King and my Queen are welcome to support this Cosmic mission. It’s spiritual warfare, and the ignorance of not knowing what is taking place on Earth has to unravel to shine the brightest Light we all have been waiting for to see the Truth. This is the transition from Darkness to Light known amongst the ascended Masters – a cycle called Kali Yuga (Age of Darkness) is being replaced by Satya Yuga (Age of Light and Truth). Other terms used are the Aquarian Age and the Golden Age – we are here to establish this. 

I say to those who contribute to the highest good of humanity and the Divine: “Keep moving forward to a future filled with grace! You will be supported by the Light of Creator God, Allah, Jesus, and all Ascended Masters who came to Earth to spread enlightenment.”

So, our greatest desire is to extend our intention to all: “Let there be Light and Blessings granted to all Beings on Earth who have been sincere and devoted to the Divine. May long-lasting Peace, Abundance & Happiness in this transition from Darkness to Light and Truth be with you!” 

In Gratitude, – King Mamay & Queen Helen Abdurajak

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