Professor Wang Ning Awaken Mankind By His Music – Wang Ning’s Ninth choral Symphony “Earth·Home” was premiered at UNESCO Headquarters

On September 20, 2024, on the world stage of UNESCO, the theme of environmental protection choral symphony “Earth · Home” was played. It was an amazing, refreshing, extraordinary, and landmark music event. The concert not only attracted global attention with its unique musical performance form and profound environmental theme, but also aroused people’s profound reflection and strong resonance on the ecological status of the earth through the power of music. The concert was broadcast live worldwide by UNESCO, with nearly one million people online. UNESCO and dozens of national ambassadors, dignitaries, leaders and artists attended the concert. The 1,200-seat auditorium at the headquarters was fully booked a month before the performance.

This is the world’s first symphony on the theme of ecology and environmental protection. It was composed and conducted by Professor Wang Ning and premiered at UNESCO Europe. The Bel’Arte Symphony Orchestra composed from professional orchestras such as Orchestre de Paris, Orchestre Nationale de France, and Jinghui Guangxuan Symphony Orchestra, the Choir of Le Grand Cheur Aatelab De Versailles. And the Conrad, Glaugler, Worms, Perrain, and Liu Xiangjie as the lead soloists.

As the National Arts Fund supported composition of “Earth·Home”, premiered in 2017 caused a sensation. The first four days premier, concert hall was full, some of audience was moved to tears in every performance. This time, he was invited to make an performance at the headquarters of UNESCO, which was even more brilliant and sensational in the European and world. Many European media and radio, television and other reports.

According to UNESCO’s promotional website: “Wang Ning’s Choral Symphony No. 9 is the world’s first environmentally themed symphony, composed for soloists, chorus, and symphony orchestra. “Earth, Home!” uses the language of music to raise awareness and warn us about the deterioration of the ecological environment and its effect on human survival. ”

“On the composition itself, Maestro Wang Ning said: “This symphony is a cry of warning denouncing the madness of men who are destroying the planet, which is our only ‘Home’.”

“Mehri Madarshahi, President of the “Melody for Dialogue Among Civilizations” Association underscored: “The Choral Symphony No 9 “Earth, Home!”. is a cry for help, it is a reminder that our survival is linked to the survival of our Earth. This magnificent composition and programme is accompanied by a new and innovative non-verbal imagery, symbols and emotions, that makes it a vitalizing element for our current journey towards environmental sustainability. We call on you to join hands in saving our precious and irreplaceable blue planet.”

About the original intention of the symphony, the composer Wang Ning said, “Today, the ecological deterioration of the earth is caused by mankind’s endless greed and destructive exploitation, which will lead to the survival of mankind and all species facing great challenges.” Through this symphonic work on environmental protection, it warns people to pay attention to the deteriorating ecological environment and reflect on human behavior. I also hope that people can think about a simple truth: if the ecological environment deteriorates to the point that human survival is difficult to sustain, what is the significance of all the efforts and achievements of human development so far? That’s what Earth Home was composed for.”

The concert began to be addressed by the President of “Melody for Dialogue among Civilizations” Association, Madsarhi, she said: Mr. Deputy; Director General; Chairman of the Madagascar Conservatory of Music, whose name is Master Shiwule; Distinguished Ambassadors; Ladies and Gentlemen; Dear Friend; Good evening!

Welcome to Earth Home, the concert that invites us to reflect deeply on the only place we all call home – our planet. Tonight’s performance composes a conductor, Maestro Wang Ning, and it is not only an artistic expression, but it is a call to action, a reminder of the fragility of our environment, and the urgent need to address the environmental crisis that affects every corner of the earth.

This event is particularly special, because it brings together musicians from two nations, China and France, who have joined forces to create something truly unique. Music is a universal language that transcends borders, and tonight, this shared language speaks to a universal challenge – the deterioration of our planet, our home.

The music you will hear tonight composes specifically around the theme of environmental destruction, degradation, and growing fragility of our eco system. Each of the nine movements, and each note, is a sonic reflection of the state of the all, from the beauty and vitality of nature, to the scar inflected upon it. Through music, we hope to convey the profound sense of urgency that scientists, activists, and concerned citizens around the globe have been sending for decades.

The concert will take you to a journey, a journey that mirrors the one we are all on. It will start by celebrating the immense beauty of our planet – its forests, ocean, mountains, and the delicate balance that has sustained life for millions of years. But as the music progresses, we will hear how that balance is being disrupted. The sounds of degradation – the melting ice caps, the burning forests, the distinction of species – will fill this hall, reminding us that earth is crying out for help. It is our duty to listen.

We are living in a time that actions, or inactions, carry more weight than ever before.This concert is meant to inspire you, but also to leave you with a question – what role do I play in this? How can I contribute to saving our planet? We are all part of this story. Although the scale of the crisis can feel overwhelming, each of us has the power to make a difference, whether it is in the choice we make every day or raising our voices to demand change from leaders and institutions.

The symphony “Earth·Home” shows the deep care of the earth from the beginning to the present and the future of the earth and the fate of mankind. From the beginning, ecological formation of the earth, and the development, to the earth all things multiply, the beauty home like picturesque. And to the human greed and the predatory resources of the earth, which led to the ecological deterioration. The end of the work is a very special act of artistic expression, which implies the future of mankind.

There are lot of uses many special means of expression, such as the use of household garbage, waste as percussion instruments; For example, choirs and orchestras play with mineral water bottles and plastic bags as musical instruments, symbolizing “white pollution”;And in the fourth movement, he created a very special piece of music “Garbage Dance”; And the chorus coughs, the whole gut-wrenching cry, the chorus and orchestra wear masks to sing and play signal air pollution; The orchestra and choir blew mineral water bottles to make the low, plaintive sounds, representing the earth’s wailing, etc., which were used in music for the first time.

In the most obvious position at the left and right ends of the stage, two large garbage cans are placed, symbolizing environmental pollution and garbage everywhere. There are many musical expressions in the music, such as lyricism, magnificence, deep, fierce, deep feeling, introspection, etc., with profound thinking, profound musical connotation and special, full of tension and dramatic expression techniques, to arouse people’s attention to ecological deterioration, the future survival of mankind and all species is in danger, and the action that should be taken.

The whole composition consists of eight movements and code. The first movement, “Origin”, shows the birth of the earth, the beginning of prosperity and the formation of ecology;

The second movement “Life”, the music gradually clear, the earth was born a variety of life, human, nature, lyrical music gradually developed into the climax of the orchestra and chorus, a magnificent, magnificent, vibrant music scroll opened;

The third movement “Homeland”, blue sky and white clouds, rivers and lakes, birds and beasts, forests and fields, all things flourish and multiply. Human beings are also using their own wisdom to build their own beautiful home;

The fourth movement, “Wreak Havoc”, is the destruction and destruction of the Earth, the only home of mankind and all species. Human greed, endless taking, looting and destruction, has posed a serious threat to everything on Earth, including human beings themselves. The lyrics go, “Pain, despair, helplessness, tell me where to flee?” Beautiful home become broken walls, Why this calamity?. The earth can do without human beings, but human beings cannot do without the earth.” ;

The fifth movement, “Now”, the ecology has been seriously destroyed, the earth has been devastated. The music begins with the adagio, the cries of the chorus, the blowing of the bottle making a deep voice, like the crying of the people, like the wailing of the earth. Cello solo, cruel reality, helplessness, helpless moan melody, There are longing for the good old days, and there are helpless and sad for the cruel reality;

The sixth movement, “Awaking”, a song of repentance, sung to Mother Earth. The lyrics go, “Ah! Mother Earth, what’s wrong with you? You have fed us, given us food, and from you we have the security of our existence. Your love for human beings, but in return for endless destruction, endless human greed, let you suffer, Your body is battered and bruised. Now, you emaciated shape, emaciated, scarred, dying. Even so, you are still holding on to your body, squeezing out the last milk for your children. Aaargh! What is that?  What’s the red one? Aaargh! That is your last drop of blood!” ;

Seventh movement “The End”, Farewell song: Farewell to humanity’s only home – the earth.” I want to see a blue sky, I want the river to flow through the door, I want the birds fly in the blue sky, I want to see, I want to see…” . In the children’s sad song, the choir left the stage one by one, and the conductor led the children’s voice out of the stage, symbolizing that human beings had to leave the only home – the earth;

The 8th movement: “Rebirth”, a song for humanity: At the cost of destruction, to awaken humanity. Do not endless greed and demand, all things flourish, there is a future! Singing: “Come back! My blue sky, come back! My prairie, come back! All living beings, with you, this is home. Wake up! It’s not too late. Cry! For the future. Action! For thousands of generations, with ecology, there is a future! No more greed, there is a future! All things together, is the future! ;

Coda: Chorus “Protect Our Home”.

The chorus symphony “Earth Home” is a ninth symphony of professor Wang Ning, After the premiere, it attracted much attention and the industry responded strongly.

This Symphony has also attracted the attention of relevant officials of UNESCO, who expressed the hope that they could have the opportunity to stage Professor Wang Ning’s the the Ninth Symphony at UNESCO again (Wang Ning’s Symphony No. 5 “Ode to Humanity” was performed at UNESCO Headquarters in 2013 and received high praise. It is the only musical work specially recommended by UNESCO to the world and praised as “Ode to Joy in the East” by overseas media.) Since then, Professor Wang Ning began to prepare for the work..

When asked why composer chose a Buddhist orchestra for cooperator, Professor Wang Ning said: Professor Wang Ning said: A monk friend told me that there is a monk orchestra in Madagascar, and they wanted me to come and guide them.When I went there, I saw that there really was a standard orchestra, which the temple had gradually built up over a period of more than ten years. At the beginning, we rehearsed several times with a try mentality. Although there were many problems to be solved, I found that the orchestra has potential for development. Usually, the rehearsal is conducted by the young female Zhengshu, and the performance is conducted by abbot Shiwule. In addition, Wang Ning said: “Religion is to solve the problem of future people’s soul, environmental protection is to solve the problem of future people’s survival, with a religious orchestra to play the Earth·Home, the combination of the two is a match made in heaven!” So Professor Wang Ning finally chose this religious orchestra Jinghui Guangxuan Symphony Orchestra of Xizu Temple.

He spent more than one year on strict training of the orchestra, with high standards and strict requirements, starting from every bit, facing difficulties but pushing forward. In order to improve the musical cultivation of the orchestra, Professor Wang Ning also offered Basic Theory of Music, Harmony, Solfeggio, Music Appreciation and other music theory courses for the orchestra, which were never exposed to the orchestra. In this way, the orchestra was rebuilt from many aspects, such as performance, auditory training, music theory, and artistic aesthetics, so that the orchestra improved its quality and slowly embarked on the road of professionalism. After more than a year of training, the orchestra’s performance level, sound quality and overall music literacy have made a qualitative leap. And the professor Wang did all this for free.

After the performance, the audience stood up and burst into warm applause, which lasted for nearly ten minutes. It can also be seen through the applause that “Earth · Home”, as a novel and unique form of musical art expression, deeply touched the audience, and they were also moved by such wonderful and powerful music. At the same time, the symphony deeply conveys the concept of protecting the ecology and cherishing the earth through the power of music. The transmission of this concept has had a profound impact on the audience, constituting a gripping environmental music epic, deeply branding the concept of environmental protection in the hearts of the audience. Let people full of love and awe of nature, concern and worry about the ecological crisis, the concert deeply touched the hearts of the audience.

At the banquet after the concert, many guests came up to Wang Ning to congratulate him on the success of his performance and to praise his magical, imaginative and powerful symphony. The most praised words were: “mind-blowing”, “amazing”, “new and unique”, “incredible”,”marvelous” and so on.

Lu Wei, a composer of Chinese origin in the United States, watched the live broadcast of Earth · Home at UNESCO Headquarters on the Internet, and was particularly excited after watching it, and sent a message to her friend in Beijing about her idea, which was forwarded to Wang Ning by her friend in Beijing: “Wei Li likes teacher Wang’s work very much: it is a grand work, it is a shocking work, and it is very moving to listen to it. The artistic conception is very good, the works are rich in lyrical power, and the melody is beautiful (especially the main melody is really great! Simple few notes, but beautiful, and easy to remember.) Teacher Wang’s use of all sounds, and the use of human voice is also very creative, praise!”

“In the period of ecological destruction to human beings is very rhythmical, the tension is expanding, the sound is becoming more and more noisy, everything is becoming more and more chaotic (in the artistic conception of this part is very successful, good shock). And after the desolate environment that melody is really beautiful. The last is a positive ending, the main melody reappears, but this time it is a magnificent and powerful reappearance, very good!”

Not only has Professor Wang Ning’s music moved everyone, but his conducting has also won praise from the orchestra and the audience.At the reception after the performance, many guests were full of praise for his conducting. Richard, the French conductor with more than 30 years of conducting experience, in this concert as the conducting assistant of Professor Wang Ning, is responsible for the organization of the orchestra’s convening, rehearsal and performance, he also praised Professor Wang Ning’s conducting: “Clear, precise, delicate, experienced, he has strong ability to control the orchestra’s sound and music structure.” Richard also said to the concert organizer: “Wang’s great! It’s amazing. Even though I’ve been worked with this orchestra for over 20 years, I couldn’t do what he did.”

Recall that on September 21, 2013, Professor Wang Ning’s Symphony No. 5 “Ode to Humanity” was also performed here, which caused a sensation in the European music circle and became the only music composition specially recommended by UNESCO to the world. It is hailed by the Western media as the “‘Ode to Joy’ in the East”. As a result, Professor Wang Ning has become the only composer in the world who has been invited twice to give a solo symphony concert at UNESCO Headquarters.

At the end of the concert, The chairman Madasahi presented Professor Wang Ning with the honorable title of “Special Ambassador for Environmental Protection” and awarded him a trophy medal in recognition of his long-term and sustained efforts for ecological protection, so that his music has realized its great social value.

UNESCO’s performance has played an irreplaceable role in promoting the cause of environmental protection. Through the power of music, it transcends language and cultural barriers to convey the concept of environmental protection to the global audience, inspiring people’s determination and enthusiasm to actively participate in environmental action. People are more deeply aware of the importance of protecting the earth and caring for the ecology, and they are more determined and confident to jointly tackle environmental challenges and promote sustainable development. In this sense, the performance of the environmental symphony “Earth·Home” is of landmark significance to the ecology of the earth and the future fate of mankind. This environmental theme symphony maximizes the social value of music works through the art form of concerts.We look forward for the “Earth·Home” could continue to be staged around the world, with the power of art to promote environmental protection, so that the earth become better and better, for the benefit of future generations. 

At the end of the article, we use the words in the report titled “Composer Wang Ning’s Humanistic Feelings and Great Love for Mankind” published by {People’s Daily}, {Xinhua Net} and other media on August 27, 2020 as the conclusion of this article: “The composer said, ‘There are really only two kinds of things on earth, nature and culture. At present, the development of human civilization has begun to lead to the natural ecological crisis, and in essence, it has gradually shaken the foundation of human civilization. Now what I want to do is to use culture to protect nature, without a good natural ecology, culture and civilization have no meaning of existence. There is a saying that “The earth can do without human beings, but human beings can not do without the earth”. As a composer, what I should do for this only home for all species to survive is to infect people with the power of music, wake up those who are being gradually swallowed by the worse and worse ecology, still sleeping people, sound the ecological alarm, cherish resources, care for the ecology, and protect the environment. Only then will there be a future for us, and for all the creatures that live with us in our home on this earth! Composer Wang Ning uses his pen to write humanistic feelings and his music to express his great love for mankind.’ Composer Wang Ning uses his pen to write humanistic feelings and his music to express his great love for mankind.”

At the end of the article, the composer would like to say to everyone:

Let us remember that human beings have changed the earth’s ecology in the past 50 years, as much as the Earth has changed in the previous 500,000 years. If mankind continues to do as it pleases without scruples and recklessness, mankind and all species will disappear in the near future.

It is time for humanity to slow down and take a serious look at itself, Otherwise, it may be too late!

Do not talk about human beings to rescue the earth, the earth does not need to be rescued, need to rescued is the human beings and their souls!

We can forget about what our home had lost, and focus on what we have now, and ensure that we always have it!

The idea of this concert is not to hope that we will do something for the environment in the future, but to remind us what we do now to own the future.

Journalist LINDA

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