“CONEtrolled” is a thought-provoking exploration into the intricate dynamics of power structures and societal control mechanisms through Dr. Israel’s innovative “Cone Model.” This model reveals how well-meaning solutions designed to address our needs inevitably evolve into dogmatic systems that rob us of our freedoms and exacerbate our problems. The book takes readers on an eye-opening journey to uncover the hidden truths behind the systems that oppress and control us under the guise of wisdom, necessity, kindness, greatness, unity, or progress.
Dr. Nava Israel, a lifelong innovator, entrepreneur, author, and researcher, brings nearly 40 years of groundbreaking work to this transformative book. With a PhD in epidemiology and an insatiable curiosity for all forms of science, critical thinking, human behavior, and social justice, Dr. Israel’s profound insights and observations offer readers indispensable strategies for reclaiming their power and building a better future.
The Literary Titan Gold Book Award recognizes “CONEtrolled” for its exceptional quality and insightful content. According to Literary Titan, “CONEtrolled” delves into the intricate dynamics of power structures and societal control mechanisms through an innovative concept termed the ‘Cone Model.’ The book is divided into several parts, exploring the origins of societal issues, the manipulation of needs and solutions, the development of systems into dogmas, and the ultimate rise and fall of these controlling structures. It concludes with a hopeful vision for reclaiming individual and collective freedom.” The review further praises Dr. Israel’s ability to connect abstract concepts with everyday experiences, making the book accessible without oversimplifying the issues.
Dr. Israel’s “CONEtrolled” is a rigorous exploration of societal structures and the mechanisms of control, suited for readers interested in sociology, psychology, and political science. It challenges readers to critically assess the systems around them and consider active steps toward reclaiming personal and collective autonomy. “CONEtrolled” illuminates the cyclical nature of human behavior and societal evolution, encouraging readers to rediscover their power and ability to build a more promising future.
Discover the eye-opening insights of “CONEtrolled” and take the first step toward reclaiming your freedom. Get your copy on Amazon today and join Dr. Nava Israel on a transformative journey to uncover the hidden truths of societal control and find empowering solutions for a better future.
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