The Importance of Cost Savings in Utilities

The Importance of Cost Savings in Utilities

Arelia, a Spanish company committed with responsible consumption of water and energy

Indiscriminate water consumption can escalate to remarkably high levels. In Spain, the average daily water usage per child in households amounts to about 360 liters for each shower. This substantial figure underscores the lack of control over water usage, leading to wastage that significantly impacts monthly utility bills. Therefore, it is crucial to adopt measures that help save on costs.

When renting out properties, landlords must consider the costs of essential utilities like electricity, water, and gas to ensure the venture remains profitable. To address these challenges, Arelia has developed a unique solution known as Acqua Tempus, a water-saving device that is easy to install and can be utilized in various settings including homes, gyms, and hotels.

Energy Saving in Rental Properties

To effectively manage utility expenses in properties rented by the room, installing prepaid electricity meters and shower timers like the Acqua Tempus is essential. These devices enable landlords to enhance the profitability of their properties while also mitigating the risk of non-payment by tenants.

Although such measures are typically employed by landlords, they are also beneficial for homeowners who are conscious of the need for water conservation. Daily, without preventive measures, thousands of liters of water may be wasted. Reducing shower durations, minimizing water flow during showers, and routinely checking for leaks in faucets and pipes are vital steps. Although controlling the waste of these services is a challenge, it is not insurmountable. Various cost-saving devices are available to address these issues effectively.

Promoting Sustainable Consumption

Achieving sustainable consumption necessitates the reduction of service usage. The excessive and indiscriminate use of energy while often going unnoticed, is in fact blatantly obvious. For electricity, numerous strategies can be employed to decrease consumption. These include maximizing the use of natural light by opening windows, especially during the summer months when daylight is abundant. Switching to energy-efficient LED bulbs also contributes to lower energy consumption. Additionally, avoiding phantom load, which occurs when appliances are left plugged in but not in use, still consuming energy, is crucial.

Similarly, gas consumption can be significantly reduced by implementing various energy-saving measures. In winter, reducing shower times and opting for lukewarm water temperatures can be beneficial. Maintaining a consistent thermostat setting and refraining from using radiators to dry clothes can also help conserve energy. Furthermore, ensuring that windows are well-sealed to prevent drafts and dressing warmly within the home can prevent the overuse of heating, thereby saving on gas consumption.

By implementing these measures, individuals can not only reduce their monthly utility bills but also contribute to environmental conservation, achieving a dual benefit for both their finances and the planet.

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Company Name: Arelia
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Country: Spain