Real Ingredients, Real Flavor: Annie’s Gourmet Syrup Transforms the Condiment Market

Annie’s Gourmet Syrup is revolutionizing the condiment industry with its commitment to quality and innovation. Specializing in real food flavored syrups, the company offers a delightful array of flavors including pineapple, mint, lemon, jalapeno honey, and vanilla bean. Unlike most syrups on the market, Annie’s syrups are made using real food, setting a new standard in an industry saturated with artificial flavors and additives.

Annie’s Gourmet Syrup was founded by Annie Mae Obasih, a remarkable entrepreneur who has defied the odds to create a thriving business. Born in 1950 in rural Mississippi to sharecropper parents, Annie learned the art of syrup-making at a young age. This skill, honed over decades, became the foundation of her business. Now in her early 70s, Annie has combined traditional methods with modern innovation, all while navigating the challenges of visual impairment. 

“We make real food flavored syrups,” says Annie, encapsulating the essence of her business in one simple sentence. Elaborating further, she explains, “Making our syrup with the real food is something special and unique, in that, there is an extra quality added when using our syrup on food and beverages. Our niche is knowing that real goodness goes into every bottle we make.  In a condiment industry, that is really unheard of, as many of those items are artificially flavored.”

The target customers for Annie’s Gourmet Syrup are people who eat natural foods, enjoy gourmet flavors, and foodies. The syrups provide a solution for those seeking to avoid artificial ingredients in their diets, those who shop small businesses, and love experimenting with new foods. “We give our customers options in not eating artificial syrups and offer delicious flavors of syrup,” Annie emphasizes.

What sets Annie’s Gourmet Syrup apart from its competitors is its commitment to traditional syrup-making methods and its status as a minority woman with a disability-owned company. “We use comparative ‘old fashioned’ methods to make the syrup,” Annie explains. This dedication to authenticity and quality ensures that each batch of syrup meets the highest standards.


Annie’s journey to becoming a successful entrepreneur is nothing short of inspiring. After retiring from a career in social services, Annie discovered a renewed passion for syrup-making when her daughter Navada encouraged her to recreate the syrups of her youth. With training from the Center for the Visually Impaired, Annie navigates her kitchen with skill and precision, preparing the ingredients while Navada oversees the cooking process.

When not working on her business, Annie enjoys gardening, traveling, and spending time with her six granddaughters. This year, she is excited to embark on a trip to Denmark with her eldest son, Jeff, and his wife, Linette.

Annie’s Gourmet Syrup has already garnered significant recognition. In October 2023, the company received a $10,000 grant from the Lonely Entrepreneur, sponsored by UPS. Additionally, Annie’s episode on the show “Cooking Without Looking” ranks among the most-watched episodes, highlighting her story and the unique appeal of her syrups.

The company has also made impressive strides in continuing to build its customer base, with approximately 1,100 email subscribers and over 900 social media followers. This growing community is a testament to the appeal of Annie’s products and the values her company represents.

Annie’s Gourmet Syrup is committed to pushing the boundaries within the condiment industry. “We are extremely proud that our syrups aren’t laden with artificial colors, flavors, or additives. It’s important that people know they can count on us for keeping that standard. We produce in smaller batches to maintain the quality of the syrup for better enjoyment and more ways to enjoy it,” Annie asserts.

Looking to the future, Annie has ambitious plans for her company. Although, Annie has her product available on Amazon, she says, “Our big hairy audacious goal is to be available in Whole Foods across America,” she declares. Furthermore, the company is planning to expand its product line to include jams and spreads, further cementing its place in the condiment market.

As far as the most valuable contribution that Annie’s Gourmet Syrup offers society is, “The most valuable thing we offer society is believing in ourselves and taking a chance on innovating a traditional pantry item in our own unique way and we are very proud of that,” Annie states

With its commitment to quality, authenticity, and innovation, Annie’s Gourmet Syrup is poised to make a lasting impact on the condiment industry. For more information, visit

Media Contact
Company Name: Annie’s Gourmet Syrup
Contact Person: Annie Mae Obasih
Email: Send Email
Country: United States