The Importance of Timely Action: Krw Lawyers’ Nicholas Morales Shares Important Details Regarding Personal Injury Claim Filing

KRW Lawyers has offices in 14 cities, with a team of experienced and effective attorneys committed to helping clients navigate the legal issues surrounding their most significant moments of need. San Antonio attorney Nicholas Morales shares helpful information about filing personal injury claims.

Personal injuries can harm much more than a person’s body—particularly if negligent actions of a business or individual caused the injury. KRW Lawyers is a law firm dedicated to standing up for the rights of people who’ve suffered due to others’ actions. Specializing in personal and asbestos injuries, the firm’s attorneys work tirelessly to achieve justice for clients when they can’t do it themselves. 

“No win, no fee,” KRW Lawyers’ founders said. “That’s our guarantee. We firmly believe in the justice we seek on your behalf, which is why we stand by our commitment: you won’t pay a single cent unless we secure compensation for you.”

One of the firm’s San Antonio attorneys, Nicholas R. Morales, shared some of the most important information about filing personal injury claims. Acting promptly after the injury is crucial, as swift legal action ensures the process is started before the statute of limitations expires and can ensure that evidence is preserved. 

Quick Action Can Affect the Case

The window to begin legal action after a personal injury doesn’t last forever. Morales cautioned that a lawsuit cannot be filed after the statute of limitations expires. He noted that governmental entities often have a much shorter time frame, though contract cases usually allow four years. The earlier a suit is filed, the more aggressively legal counsel can pursue the case—and insurance companies are more likely to take the claim seriously. 

“Most lawsuits are limited to a two-year statute of limitations,” Morales said. “Some require notice within only a few months, though. Thus, it is crucial to act quickly and avoid irreparable damage to your claim.”

For example, if someone were to sustain an injury in front of a business, any security camera footage that caught the accident may not be stored for more than days or weeks. Morales said he has won cases because a client acted quickly enough that he could secure the footage. Without proper notice to preserve evidence, a business at fault may allow the footage to be deleted.

Gathering and Preserving Evidence

Morales said one of the essential steps in a personal injury lawsuit is creating a paper trail proving that those who may hold crucial evidence are advised to preserve it. An attorney sends letters and makes calls on the client’s behalf. This also ensures that communications go through the attorney and sneaky insurance adjusters don’t take advantage of the injured.

“This is a time to act quickly because there’s no going back later,” Morales said. 

According to Morales, destroyed or deleted evidence may not end a case, but it does damage it. While enough evidence can sometimes be found from other sources, its loss may prove insurmountable.

Building a Strong Case

Morales said the best advice he can offer individuals after being involved in an incident resulting in personal injury is to take photos and gather witness information. Too often there is a witness who “saw everything” but there is no way of locating this witness later on. Early action and securing evidence often lead to substantial advantages as the case progresses. 


Visit the KRW Lawyers website to learn more about the firm’s personal injury legal services or schedule a consultation. Reach out on Facebook or Instagram to connect through social media. 

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