When To Add Honey Super to a Beehive and Other Questions Answered at Buzzy Blogger by Experienced Beekeeper

Buzzy Blogger is managed by a passionate beekeeper with first-hand beekeeping experience. The blog educates readers on how to start and manage an apiary. Readers can save time and money and shorten their learning curves to reap the benefits of beekeeping.

According to announcements released by Buzzy Blogger Ree Fonteyn, the website is a trusted resource for answers to anything bee-related questions.

Bee enthusiasts get to know When to Add A Honey Super To A Beehive?: 10 Key Factors to Consider and learn why timing is crucial when adding a Honey Super to their beehive. They will discover the best seasons, the 7/10 rule, and the proper procedures for success.

The website’s detailed guide on this topic asserts that the 7/10 rule is a widely recognized guideline in the beekeeping community that advises when to add a honey super to a hive. 

According to this rule, beekeepers should add a super when seven of ten frames in the current boxes are filled with honey. Readers learn that it’s important to note that while the 7/10 rule is generally reliable, there can be exceptions. Factors such as nectar availability, hive strength, and weather conditions can influence honey production and utilization. Therefore, closely monitoring a hive’s progress and adjusting accordingly is crucial.

Buzzy Blogger mentions that to follow the 7/10 rule effectively, beekeepers should regularly inspect the hive and assess the bees’ honey storage and cluster size. Paying attention to a hive’s needs can ensure timely super additions and avoid overcrowding or disruptions in honey flow.

Adding a honey super prematurely can negatively affect the bees and hinder colony expansion and honey collection. Premature super addition can cause stress for the bees, affecting their productivity and overall health. It can also disrupt their natural progression and hinder their instinct to expand the brood nest, limiting growth potential and honey stores.

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To identify signs of premature super addition, look for unutilized frames, bees clustering in the lower boxes, and insufficient honey storage. If these signs are present, removing the extra super allows the bees to focus on brood rearing and honey collection in the existing boxes.

The blog cautions that when selecting a honey super, one should consider the size and characteristics that suit requirements. It should be manageable for a beekeeper, as lifting heavy supers can lead to injuries. Shallow supers are commonly used due to their lighter weight and easier handling.

Readers will find the detailed answer to “How Do Bees Communicate With Each Other? ” and discover how bees communicate with each other through chemical signals, sounds, and movements, and explore their fascinating communication system in this informative post.

Buzzy Blogger states that bees possess an extraordinary ability to communicate using chemical signals called pheromones. Pheromones are released by different glands in a bee’s body and serve as a potent method of communication within the hive. These chemical messages can trigger specific behaviors and reactions from other bees in the colony.

The blog reveals that pheromones are vital in coordinating hive activities such as foraging, reproduction, and defense. For instance, the queen bee emits a pheromone called the queen mandibular pheromone, which regulates worker bee behavior and ensures the unity and harmony of the colony. This queen pheromone also restrains the development of ovaries in worker bees, ensuring that only the queen can lay eggs.

Ree Fonteyn of Buzzy Blogger said, “Join me in this sweet endeavor, as we explore the buzzing world of bees together. Whether you’re here for practical advice on managing your own hives or just a dose of bee-inspired wonder, Buzzy Blogger is your go-to source. Together, let’s spread the buzz about beekeeping, one post at a time. Because here at Buzzy Blogger, it’s not just about keeping bees—it’s about nurturing a community that celebrates the irreplaceable role these creatures play in our world. Thank you for stopping by, and I hope you’ll stay for the stories and become part of our community. Let’s embark on this beekeeping journey with a spirit of adventure and a commitment to learning. Welcome to the hive.”

About the Company:

Buzzy Blogger is an informative website dedicated to the captivating world of beekeeping. Its information is useful for both amateur and experienced beekeepers. Visitors learn about bee health and diseases, the role of bees in nature, product reviews, and bee-related FAQs.


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Company Name: Buzzy Blogger
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