An Inside Look into James Hill Rose’s Incredible Music Journey.

An Inside Look into James Hill Rose's Incredible Music Journey.

JHR Artist Photo
James Hill Rose (JHR) is a celebrated artist with a diverse musical background. He is a talented singer and songwriter known for his authentic vocals. JHR has released multiple albums which emphasize on the importance of staying true to one’s artistic vision. His ultimate goal is to reach and inspire as many people as possible through his music while motivating other independent artists to pursue their dreams.

James Gilligan, better known by his stage name, James Hill Rose, is one of today’s standout artists in the modern music scene. A renowned songwriter, singer and performer, James is celebrated for his authentic and captivating vocal range which sets him apart from other artists. Raised in a musical family, James learned from his Father, an incredibly talented vocalist who was the lead singer of a Doo-Wop Group back in the 60’s.

His musical influences span from hip-hop to country and even classical and metal. Incredibly, James has written and composed all of the lyrics and melodies to each and every one of his tracks, including popular ones on his “Fan favorites compilation”, like “This Condition,” “Had It All,” “Crime on My Mind,” “Friday night” and “Ride With Me,” to name a few. James has also worked with other talented artists and producers across the country in Nashville, L.A. and Georgia.

James is also the founder of an original rock band that started in Elizabeth, NJ back in 2010 that went on to play the Stone Pony and Starland Ballroom on multiple occasions. The group also recorded 3 original full-length albums during the project’s lifespan. James also had the honor of playing an hour-long solo acoustic set at the famed “Bitter End” in Manhattan. His extensive experience playing out and also singing at open mic nights and local karaoke bars has helped prepare him for the mainstream music industry.

Today, James is an established artist with more than 5 original albums available for streaming on his website, His sound is extremely eclectic and has gained attention from all different age groups and musical genres. A self-made talent, James encourages other artists to never let the pressures of having to achieve commerce from their art, or commercial success muddle their creativity or extinguish that flame in them that drives them to create. To him, that is your unique gift to the world which must be revealed in it’s most organic form. Therefore, he recommends self-confidence, hard work and an unrelenting pursuit at cultivating your craft as essential traits for artists.

James aspires to reach as many people as possible and inspire millions with his voice. His dream is to make an impact with his music and see other independent artists pursue their dreams as well. To him, obstacles are just part of the journey and should only be looked at as opportunities for growth. Never let them serve as excuses, or reasons to give up on pursing your dream. You wouldn’t have the dream if there wasn’t a way for you to achieve it.

Media Contact
Company Name: James Hill Rose (JHR)
Contact Person: James Gilligan
Email: Send Email
Phone: 1-(908)-267-4915
Country: United States